The thing I brag about the most is how beautiful it is. Since NAU is located in Flagstaff the weather is much nicer than Phoenix. Also we have beautiful scenery and big trees all over the place. The climate is perfect, I love waking up to see mountains in the morning. Also all the snow that falls in the winter basically makes it a winter wonderland. It's a small city so it's very home like.
I tell my friends that I am learning from professors with current, real-world knowledge, who are genuinely interested in my progress as a student and in helping me achieve my career goals.
I brag about how many snow days I get compared to how many days of heat they have to suffer in in Arizona. This semester, I've already had 2.5 snow days while they get drenched with rain and still have to go to class while I can sit cozy in my dorm, watching the snow fall.
The snow days are the best part about the school!
The things I brag about with this school are that it is huge. I came from a small college and comparing the two there is a big difference. Another is the program that I am majoring in. My other college did not have my intended major and when I came here they had all sorts of programs to choose from. Last thing is how glorious the surroundings are around this university. A small town but a lot of site scenes and history.
That NAU is an open enviroment and is not over crowded by a large city population. NAU is a school that exscapes the big city pollution and has beautiful, clear night skies. Also that the school has multiple oppertunities for undergraduates to interact and help with research, which they can get payed for often times. And one of the best things is that we have an on campus observitory and the students can help run the observitory to educate the public.
I love the schedule that I have for school. I go to class three nights a week. The classes are long because they are three credits a piece but it's so convenient to have a week's worth of classes done in one night. The nightly schedule also allows for me to work at a daycare center during the day. My instructors are mostly current elementary school teachers who also teach us at night. It's great to hear their stories and draw from their experiences.
The size of the school. It's easy to get to and from classes. Also, the beauty of the school. Flagstaff is a gorgeous town. It has the four seasons and each season brings out a different beauty the city of flagstaff has to offer.
I always tell my friends that this is the best school because it is a very nice place to live enviornmentally, and a great place to live because the people who live her are very friendly and willing to help.
The bars and club around campus, the diverse, and teachers