Northern Arizona University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


I do not know.


The LumberJacks! Also the campus resides in the amazing city of Flagstaff!


My school is best know for its charismatic community. The teachers are known to be completely supportive of the students and take time out of their days to make sure that the students succeed. At my school, it is known to be all about the students.


Art, fun, community environment.


My school is best known for the beautiful scenery.


Criminal justice and psychology majors.


My school is best known for being green and supporting envorimnental sustainability.


NAU is the place for the outdoors. The mountains, the trees, and the snow are what is used to describe the area. It is a place for the arts to thrive. It is a community where the arts are celebrated and enjoyed.


Northern Arizona University (NAU) is known for its emphasis on environmental sustainability. Students in the environmental study and science programs are exposed to many research opportunities and on-the-field training.


Northern Arizona University is well known for its teaching program, its counseling program, and its small class sizes. It is also well known for its beautiful mountain setting.