North Georgia College & State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at North Georgia College & State University know before they start?


I would suggest for parents and/or students to gather as much information as they can about prospective colleges, either through brochures, or college websites. They then need to evaluate the prospective student's personality traits and see what characteristics of college might coincide with those traits. For example, if the student prefers to be in a small class, look for colleges that offer mainly small class sizes. If they love being around people, find a college that has extensive numbers of people that attend and ample opportunities to join various clubs, organizations, and events. To make the most of the college experience, I would say join various clubs, organizations, and the events that are offerred at the college of your choice, but do try to be safe and keep up with your grades. After all, your education helps to prepare you for the real world and prospective employers will look at your college successes or failures before they hire you.


The advise I have to give is for a student to definately have a minimum of at least 3 colleges that he/she is interested in attending, and the student should visit the campus of each and everyone of them.


Look at what fits you, not what fits your friends.


Don't just apply to the college. Go and visit the college and talk to students who go there and walk around campus.


I know that at 18 years old, most high school graduates possess little self-awareness. They define themselves by the house they live in, the school they went to, the friends they have, and the clothes they wear. They make most decisions based solely upon examples made by those close to them. However, once the doors of your alma mater are closed firmly behind you, your life choices become much larger and much more difficult to make. This is the defining moment, the first step into a world unknown that is rife with possibilities. I know it sounds trite, but you really can do whatever it is you want to do so long as you put your mind to it. This is why it is so important to listen to yourself, to find that little voice that has always been inside you, whether or not you pay attention to it. You and you alone know what truely makes you happy and when you find it, be it the perfect campus or the perfect major, you will know. Trust your instincts, believe in your abilites, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Its gonna be the time of your life.


Find a college that suits your personality. Visit the college before you go to see if it fits for you. Get involved in college, and put yourself out there - make new friends!


I would say that you need to visit each school you are looking at, take tours and ask students what they think about the school. Find out as much information as you can before picking a school and when you do go off to school, get involved. When you get involved on campus you can meet so many people and that just makes your college experience so much better. Try to meet new people too, don't just stay with the ones you know already.


College is a different world from high school, you spend all of high school trying to find a way to fit into a box. In college, you get the chance to make your own box. There are still rules and expectations, but you are far more free to move in your own circle within a certain relm, rather than to move inside a hampster wheel. Visit a college before you agree to go there, stand in the center of the campus and just see if you fit. Everything is important, school and social. Wake up early and stay up late, never refuse a party or a study session. This is the only time of your life where you get to (and are expected to) live both worlds. Be successful but don't forget to have fun. Be free to meet people and learn things. Explore to find a carreer you will love, study hard enough to go to grad school but have enough fun to long for these years in the future. College is a once in a lifetime opportunity, its time to look to the future, live in the moment, and create a memorable history.


honestly the best thing you can do is spend a week at each school, cause one day at a school doesnt really show you what goes on, and visit the school around mid-terms or finals, to see how students get ready for thier tests


Go with the college that makes you happy. Dont get locked into a school or situation you will hate and you will do fine.