Do your research. Do not pick an expensive school simply because of its name. Look around and fine quality schools for what you are truly interested in. You may find some surprisingly good but affordable schools that are making quite a name for themselves in their specific areas of research.
It is very important to pick the right school for you, go to the campus and if it doesn't feel like it fits you then, choose another one. You will not be able to learn to love the campus you are on. You must walk onto campus each day and love it, or you will be unhappy.
Talk to professors and students who attend the school.
Make college an experience, go out and join stuff.
Get involved, and find your friends early on - like in the first week.
I would say to visit as many as you possibly can. Sit down with the staff that you will be working with and really evaluate them since they are who you'll be working with for the next few years. That helped me pick out one less than desirable teacher. You really need to balance whatever is important to you in making the decision. Pick a school that is just as strong in your preferred activities as your selected major. To get the most out of the experience, get involved in whatever you can to find friends. Go out to an event even if you don't feel like it at first and don't give up if you don't find where you fit right away. Some don't, but when you do, you'll be glad you stuck with it. Stay on the campus. DO NOT go home the first weekend. Many never come back after that. More than anything continue to seek out the place where you most belong on the campus.
find the right school and see how many scholarships you can get. Loans can get spendy
I would tell the parents to encourage their kids to go and check out the campus and talk with the professors of their intended major before making any decisions. To the kids, I would tell them not to worry about going to college with your friends from high school because you make so many other lifelong friends in college. I would also tell them to be themselves no matter what and not give into peer pressure because you are respected more for standing up for yourself than you are for giving in.
My advice about finding the right college would be to go out and find a college somewhere that you have always wanted to go just to get experience in life. My advice on making the most out of a college experience would be to just go out and find things to do whether it be joining a fraternity and getting involved that way, or join a few clubs. Anything that this person finds enjoyable they should be doing in college, because thats what this time of life is for, enjoying, learning, and getting ready for the rest of your life.
Find the best college that suites your needs in the major you're thinking of taking.