North Carolina Wesleyan College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about North Carolina Wesleyan College!


It is a libral arts college, so you will take different classes to be more well rounded. Weselyan has is a small campus so the facualty knows you well. You have the opportunity to make friends for all over! Ex. Jamacia, Italy. )


North Carolina Wesleyan College is different primarily in its small student body. Along with a small student body, there are also limited course options and facilities. This is all much different than the other schools I considered.


The most unique thing about my schoo is the class sizes. Some bigger schools there may be fifty to sixty people in a class room therefore you have no real relationship with your professor. Here at my school there is a max of 25 students in the class room. This way you get to know the professor and can have one on one time with them if you need help with something.


This school is fairly new compared to other schools. It was built within the last sixty years.