New York University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


that my expectations were completely different


How expensive and financially draining it would be to come here.


I wish I had known which dorms were the best ones. Seriously, the difference between the best and the worst dorms are gargantuan.


I just wish I wasn't the only one from my home to go to school here. I didn't know anybody and it was a little rough to get used to school in the first couple of months.


Before coming to NYU I wish I had known what I wanted to study in relation to what I wanted to do after graduation. The resorces for networking at NYU are overwhelmingly helpfull to postgraduation job searching and if I had realized that I liked environmental studies, I could have forcused my time on other projects with the sustainability department to increase my knowledge of that field. Instead I spent most of my time working in finance, which is helpful but I would rather be in the environmental field.


I can't think of anything. I did a lot of research into this school before attending because I was a transfer student.


New York University as a whole is overwhelmingly bureaucratic. The financial aid office is not helpful, the housing office is unreceptive, and the role of students in university affairs is mostly a facade.


Tough competition


I wish I had known that it was okay to be myself so I could start being myself earlier than I did.

