New Mexico State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known how to better budget both time and money.


I wished I had known how what offices to go to. When I first entered New Mexico State University – Main Campus, I was quite lost. The facilities to help students at the time I entered were not the best. There were a lot of feelings of loneliness and uncertainty when I first came here, as I was lost in where to go. However, they have improved greatly. As of now, there are many facilities that are available to new and transferring students.


I wish I had known how to take care of my health before going, mental issues kept me from exploring much of the campus.




If I could go back in time to High School I would tell my younger self to apply for scholarships as opposed to just relying on financial aid and work. I would have gone in with a more comprehensive plan to graduate as opposed to being undeclared, and unsure of what to major in. I would have waited 2 years before going in and joined the peace corp. I now know that I was not ready to attend college at such a young age. These are a few of the things I would tell my past self.


I wish I would have looked at more scholarship opportunities. My parents had money saved for me, but I wish I would have known how fast it goes once you are out on your own. The expenses were unforeseen.


I wish I had known the following: time limitations for financial aid and how changes from Federal and State levels affect me as an Undergraduate Student.


What I honestly wanted to do.


I wish I knew what I really wanted to study because when I switched my major after 2 years it postponed finishing and now I have to pay for school out of my own pocket which brings me to, I wish I knew how expensive going to college would be.


I wish that I had known exactly what I needed to successfully live in the dorms. For example, I should have brought extra storage space, cleaning supplies, and medicine. Additionally, I would have liked to know where I could have gotten cheaper books. I payed way too much for them and after I got to school people started telling me about the other options that were available.