Look at the departments specifically the papers that they have published. If you see a paper that you find interesting look into that college. Do not worry about money because you can always find enough scholarships if you work hard enough. To make the most of college make sure to study hard but make it so that is not the only part of your life. Make friends with other students in your major because you can all help each other out a lot in both class and out of class. Make friends with upperclassmen because they've all taken the same classes as you have and are therefore able to help you with classes and tell you which professors that you should and should not take.
Colleges with excellence in academics are nice, but colleges with the real college experience are the way to go. And it depends on the person greatly; if one likes to learn and goes beyond course material to find out more of subjects that interest him or her then I would recommend a high academic emphasizing school where other students and professors share a common enthusiasm for knowledge; if the student is just looking for better job options I would recommend a school where there seems to be a lot to do outside of school, socializing helps with people surviving through the day and is a great tool to develop for life.
I would definitely go somewhere where you feel at home. The first time I came to New Mexico Tech, I felt at home immediately and I basically fell in love with the campus. It is hard to describe the feeling you get when you know the school is the right place for you. It's like a sense of self-satisfaction that enters your mind and body and makes you feel at peace. The easiest way to make the most of your college experience is to be active in social groups. If you don't have many friends, walk up to someone you don't even know and say hi. I always remember what my first college professor said to me on the first day of class. He said "Remember. A stranger is a friend you just haven't met yet." I have strived to carry those words with me throughout my college career and I am proud to say that with those words in mind, I have made more friends than I could have ever dreamed I could have.
Learn what you like, know what kind of a school you want to go to (technical, liberal arts, etc) do your research, and go for what you want. Don't worry if it takes a little longer to finish once you get in and change your mind, just go through with getting the degree. Try to get into the best school with the most value for what you want to do. If you have no idea what you want yet, go for a well-rounded education and use your bachelor's to find out what you would really like to do with your life, then go for your masters in what you like. Work hard and you can succeed!
Find out what you really want and what your really getting out of the school, talk to the students and the professors and find out what the academic enviroment is at the school and make your decision based on that. Look at all the aspects of the school, it's not all about the location, it's about the eduication and the tools that you will be graduating with. You learn more in a school that's interested in teaching you and not just interested in your money.
Finding the right college is crucial in your ability to succeed. Find something that fits, whether it be close by to your home town or out of state for a new experience. Don't try to rush into everything, and get everything done right away. Go at your own pace. Keep level, and make sure to balance your school life and social activities. Choose something that you think you are passionate about, and that you are curious to learn more about. The college experience is not all about getting a paycheck.
In today's economy, it seems like cost is a very big issue. Finding a school with a good financial aid package is definitely a helpful point. More than that, though, you need to find a college that has the classes or research that you want to do. The best way to be happy in life is to do what you enjoy doing and this applies to school just as well as it applies to a career. Once you've found the right college, the best way to make the most of your experience there is to DO. Get involved in sports or the local theater and have fun. Then, when it comes to academics, go to class is the best advice. Listen to what the teachers have to say and study on your own time so that you can have a better understanding of the subject. Other than that, the best advice is to make friends and enjoy the time you have in college. It is the time when you have the most freedom and when you learn how to be an adult.
I would say that you should base your decision on more than just financial and educational options at the schools in which you're interested. College should be more than an education, it should be the happiest time of your life. I feel that I have given up four years of what may have been happier by choosing solely for financial and educational reasons. While I have many happy memories I have more regrets, and nobody should have to have that feeling. Other than this, to the future students I say that to make the absolute most you should surround yourselves with people who are driven to succeed once you're in school. I was lucky in that none of my closest friends flunked out, but with half of my freshmen class disappearing after one year... It makes it much easier to handle without losing friends, and these are friends you will have forever.
Which college to attend is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make. If you take it lightly you will probably not be happy with your decision. The first quetion to ask yourself is what do you want to get out of college. If you are enttirely academic, don't choose a school known for its party scene. Or if you want to break away from the books, go to a school that gives you time to breath. Another question you have to ask is what kind of degree you want, do you just want a degree that will make you go further in your given field, or do you want a degree that opens up a whole new one. Are you pursuing a doctorate or a chefs certification, you want to pick a school that tailors to your wants and needs. There are a lot of colleges in the United States, chances are there is one that fits you like a glove, all you have to do is find it.