National University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about National University!


My undergrad work was completed at a 4-year university. My grad work was and will be completed at National University. I chose National University because of the online learning program, accelerated monthly classes, and the flexibility it allowed me as a working mother of four children. I was able to go back to school to further my education and career as a Special Education teacher as well as enjoy my family and all of my children's various activities and sporting events.


It was a college for the working adult which was nearly unheard of at that time.


I can do all my schooling from home and don't have to worry about gas prices or finding a ride to school.


almost 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} online, allowing for flexible schedules and self motivation. It really puts the pressure on me to not fall behind.


National University is run on a month long class schedule. This allows me to be able to set up a school schedule that works with the rest of my life. The class sizes are also very small and the class rooms are set up to enhance the learning environment. I am able to receive the one-on-one attention needed from my professors in order to excel in my classes. It feels like this college actually wants me to succeeded in achieving my long term goals.


Four week classes.