I would tell seventeen year old me to stop obessesing. To put down the detailed college plans and pick up a camera to document the life she would soon be leaving behind. I would tell her that in a few months she was going to miss galloping down dirt roads on horseback and witnessing Alaska's beauty with every drive home. I would tell her that she would even miss doing her sister's hair and ice fishing at forty below. I would tell her that she would need those pictures and memories to get her through the holidays without her family and friends. I would tell seventeen year old me to remember an umbrella, hat, and gloves because believe it or not you actually will need them living in California. I would tell her to stop trying to make everything perfect, that college is supposed to be messy, stressful, and emotional, and that life will never go exactly as planned. I would tell her to put aside her anxiety and remember that her ambition and strength will be there to help her get throught it all. I would tell her to take a deep breath and smile.
If I could go back in time, I would let myself know to start thinking about college right away! Many things can be done in one's last year of high school that can facilitate the college process. Most importantly, I would have self studied more AP exams regular to my major so that I could skip the introductory level courses! In addition, I would have worked to develop good study habits rather than viewing my last year as the year to take a break before jumping into college. I would have explored more options, such as concurrent enrollment in community colleges. I would have applied to more scholarships. Don't ever think that you can't get started on college in high school!
If I could go back I would tell my past self to take classes more seriously and to say yes to new things with new people (assuming they weren't negatively affecting others). Growing up I was hesitant to go after many of the things I loved doing because I was always trying to please others. So, in particular, I would let myself know that he should go after everything that gives him excited butterflies and after everything he loves doing whether it's sports, talking to a beautiful girl, meeting a new friend, or going up on a stage to play some music he made. Lastly, I would tell him to relax and have a great time chasing and working hard for his goals.
The advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to enjoy all the friendships and the "easy road" that was laid out before you in high school. College is extremely different and although academically you may be prepared, the social aspect will be completely different from what you know. One of the biggest transitions/adaptations that you will need to make will be to tune out derogatory and profane language because you will hear it from everyone, including professors. Know who you are and stick to who you are while going through college; there will be a lot of people who will tell you different things and try to tell you to drop your dreams because they aren't realistic. Keep the nay-sayers behind you and embrace the challenges that college will bring.
The biggest advice to give myself will be in high school it was a big struggle but attending college could be less struggle since it only step by step in class to attend and also the experience of learning about life experience in school for the future.
Even if you don't have the money for college applications, don't make the excuse to not do them, find alternate ways to pay for the application.
Be kind, please past me be kind. Not just to others but to yourself you never realized how many people looked up to you until after you graduated and recieved those letters. Stop looking at yourself badly just because you are 200 pounds doesn't mean you are ugly, don't bring yourself down look yourself in the eye and tell yourself you are fine just the way you are. Be kind to your family, stop slaving away on homework by playing catch up go and actually have dinner with yourfamily and talk about your day they love you and you only have them. Be kind to your heart look at all those Key Clubbers cheering for you; you raised them to become better leaders even raise one to become the next president and they'll alaways be there for you when you need them so don't cry because they'll cry too. Once you leave High School you'll understand that things get better it's a fresh start you can go anywhere you want even your dream school. Be kind and you will once again learn to love learning and your friends because you'll miss them.
Procrasination is a thing of the past, do not even think about it. Prioritize your life, such as family, friends, and job. Make sure to have goals set in mind or else you will just take classes for no reason. All in all, choose a career that benefits you financially, and how much you actually like your major.
I would tell myself not to stress out so much about going to a major university because you can always transfer from a community college.
Be competitive to yourself. Stay in tutoring if you want that A+, no one is college graduates by themselves they always need a helping hand. So remember meet new people and get into the community.