This school is definitely diverse in terms of ethnicity and gender. It is also very liberal when talking to current and former students of Mt. SAC.
It's close to my home. Free bus transportation is offered. The College was named one of the highest ranked.
Something unique about my school is that it is very diverse and thus, you are able to interact with students of differnt backgrounds. When interacting with students of different backgrounds, you become aware and gain knowledge of new cultures.
There are many unique qualities Mt. San Antonio College has to offer. First, my community college is home to a Wildlife Sanctuary. I think this is the most unique feature because it allows for the protection of wildlife and it also maintains a healthy ecosystem within. Another unique trait my school has to offer is its close proximity to Cal Poly Pomona. This allows for many professors who teach at the CSU level to also provide there knowledge at the Community College level. I have taken a countless number of professors who have taught at both schools.
Mt. San Antonio College has a vast diversity of students not only economically but also culturally. It is a starting point for many students to learn what they want to be in life, where the faculty will go above and beyond to help you meet your educational goals.
Being that Mt. SAC is a community college it is an affordable blend of cultures, ages, ideas, and individuals all working towards a goal of education.
Mt San Antonio offer a great deal of certificates for students who may not be persuing a degree but who still seek formal training in a given field of study. The college also has a wide variety of associate degree programs and preps students who intend to transfer to a University by providing the Intersegmental Genderal Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC).
Mt. SAC has provided quality and affordable educational opportunities to millions of students of all ages and backgrounds. Mt. SAC support its students, like myself, in achieving their personal, educational, and career goals in an environment of academic excellence. My school offers over more than 200 degree and certificate programs that allows me to expand my future expectations . Other schools may have these opportunities but are highly unavailable to me in terms of tuition.
What is unique about Mt. San Antonio College is that there is a tutor for about every subject in school. All the tutoring centers is easy to use and are about 4 or 5 centers that offer nothing but help. The school's goal is to help students graduate, tranfer, and get an education and Mt. SAC has just done that with all the help they offer for no charge.
The teachers are fantastic