Mt Hood Community College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Mt Hood Community College!


Mt Hood is special because it has a unique group of specialized proffesors who are masters in their fields. They are not only good theachers but also they can be considered as friends and mentors who are aware of their students necesities. I can say without doubt that at Mount Hood I found the best theachers that I had ever have.


I have only went to a local community college and couldnt really consider anything else, due to lack of financing. So unfortunately, I wont be able to compare anything but the way I look at it, you can always find something positive in anything negative so as long as you make that first, hard step into going to college, you will have a head start!


It offers a wide variety of courses that are transferable to the 4 yr universities in Oregon


Its cheaper and closer to my home. plus it has so many night classes for full-time working students. and also offers online courses which are very helpfull.


My school is unique because of the people that are students there. Universities mostly consist of students just out of high school, or continuing from that first college year. At my school, there is more of a variety. You have the fresh out of high school students, but also some people who have decided to come back to school, or persue a different career. Everyone is so interesting. I love it.