Morgan State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I was informed about the lack of financial resources and aid that Morgan State does not (or wish not to provide) to students atending or wanting to attend their university. I wish that I was informed about the lack of interaction, respect and teaching abilities teachers have for students in the Elementary Education Dept here at Morgan.


I wish I was aware of the hassle of completing things such as taking care of financial aid and other things outside of the classroom. Being aware of this hassle would have help prepared me for the stress that comes with these activities that can greatly affect the collegiate experience.


I wish I would have known what career field I was interested in going into, it would have made the last two years of college easier because I would have been on track with the majority of my peers.


There is nothing that I wish I had known before I came to this school.


I wish someone had told me exactly what GPA to aim for as a freshman. We have an honors program at my school, but one needs a certain GPA to get in. Had I known that I would have been interested in something like that I would have tried to improve my GPA sooner. It is too late now though.


I wish that I knew everyday counts towards me being great. Everyday that I wake up, I have an oppurtunity to work on my skills. I had little to no responsibilities in high school , and I did not use my time wisely. Whatever your interests are do not be afraid to puruse them. Once you have outlined your goals and labeled your interest, hit the ground running and do not worry about what your friends are doing. Stay focused and you will be ready for the working world sooner than you think!


time managment and the imporance of doing well in school.


As an electrical engineering major, i wish i had been involved in some pre- college courses that help develop my interest in engineering and help me learn a few technical abilities, also i wish i had been exposed to opportunities that discuss the importance of internships and research opportunities in college as it applies to my major. With these, i think i wouldve developed better in my engineering course.


I wish somebody would have told me to take college and applying for college more seriously. College is expensive and the cost isn't going down, not only that but every school is different. When you apply you should apply to every school possible, every school that has something that interest you. As well as applying for schools you also have to apply for scholarships and grants because you will find yourself wondering where the money for this or that will come in, and when you're in college you're basically on your own.


Before I came to this campus the because thing I wish I knew was how serious placement test are, since I didnt place in the ideal math class for freshman engineer majors I had to take summer classes to catch up. Another thing I wish i would have known before i came to Morgan was that it was a huge party school, honestly if I had know that I would have change my perspective coming in as a freshman.