Morgan State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Morgan State University?


A student with no goals / ambition or very sheltered. This campus moves fast, requiring new students to hit the ground running. This challenges them for the tasks of becoming an upperclassmen and dealing with the workforce after graduation.


I want more international students to attend Morgan, but the ideal student is someone who lives in the state of Maryland, who is involved in programs like SGA or class offices. Students who have a lot of school pride and knows how to manage their school work but still have fun should attend.


People who are not serious about there education. Who are not willing to put in the hard work to be successful in life.


Lazy students.


it is a HBCU so should be culturally aware have a desire to change the surrounding community and challennges the African American community faces


Anyone interested in rich diversity will do great here.


An outgoing person that loves to meet new people should attend this school.


People should not attend this school if there major school is not certified.


The kind of people that should not attend Morgan State are people who worries more about their appearance or popularity than focusing on their studies. This can cause you to fail classes and have a low GPA. Also, if a Morgan student picks a non-accredited major, such as nursing, or majors that are poorly funded by the school, such as communications, they should not attend this school.


A person who would want to attend a larger school with a lot of school spirit.