Montclair State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Montclair State University!


the size enough people to feel comfortable and not overwhelmed


Montclair's music department was very open and welcoming. I felt connected to the professors before I even decided to go there. I was offered a free lesson, tours around the campus, and the chance to spend the day with someone in my intended major. That positive environment really stuck with me when it came time to decide on a school.


Although we are not that big of a university, we have a high level of school spirit. People get along really well with one another and all the students. The students at Montclair State University tend to stick together with one another, we have a high level of respect and we all are concerned about safety on campus. The students are also really involved on school campus, most students attend athletic events as well as plays that go on around campus. Also, we tend to have classes with the same group of people, so you get to know people.


This school is not a too big or too small. I feel so welcomed here. The professors really enjoy what they do and teach. I don't think that I have met a teacher that was disinterested in what they were teaching. I saw their passion and enthusiasm.


Montclair State U is a fun place to relax at even after you're finished with the day's classes.


its really close to new york city.


I would have to say that the number one reason I chose Montclair over other Universities was because of it's beautiful and convient campus. The school also allowed freshman to park a car on campus. Unfortunatly that option no longer exsists because of the high commuter rate.