Montcalm Community College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is my biology professor. She is really wonderful. I think that she makes learning A and P fun and interesting all at the same time. I think that she is one of the few people who truly care about education and she wants all of her students to suceed. You rarely find this quality in a professor. I hope everyone is lucky enough to find a professor with this same quality.


There are a number of amazing opportunities at MCC. They have a number of extra-curricular programs that offer several possibilities to experience culture, leadership, or extend upon interests that coincide with courses already in place. I love that MCC has this program known as the SIL (Supplementary Instruction Leader) program which gives sudents help getting up to the college level. We work with students and help them understand the material of their, give good study tips, and help them to understand how to find answers about the college itself. I think this is a wonderful program.