Modesto Junior College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Modesto Junior College?


I don't brag.


Many people think that a community college is just a continuation of high school, but this is not true. The one thing I am able to brag about when I talk to my friends is how close I am to home. I am still getting the same education as I would if I were to go away to college and I am able to save money since I can live at home.


Modesto Junior College is very close to home. You can save money by attending the community college for two years, then later transferring out to a state or university college. Books and tuition is cheap, and there are so many great opportunities on campus. Especially if you are undecided on your major, MJC will help you get your prerequisities out of the way. Classes are offered all year long and are easy to get into. Because of the small school size, student-teacher interaction is very close. Overall, Modesto Junior College is the way to go.