Mississippi State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mississippi State University know before they start?


Preparing yourself well for the future it's very important. Always study hard and do your very best, don't let anything or anyone discourage you. To live a productive life study and work hard, and to get what you want in life comes with a good education and well paying job.


Make sure to weigh all the options of school, including going to a community college or a junior college. You may know what you want to do, but sometimes things do not work out the way you want them to, so it would be wise to go to a lower level university over a major university first. There will still be plenty of options when you get done, and you will have a better understanding of what you want to do with your life instead of wasting time and money on a field you decide you do not enjoy.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the first thing I would tell myself is to keep God first in my life. He will help me get through any hard times and be my guidance. Another thing I would tell myself is to get in the habit of studying everyday for at least and hour or two. Studying and going to class plays a huge role in school when it comes to making a 3.0 or higher. I would also tell myself not to procrastinate on homework assignments because I will never know what inconvience may come up and effect whatever plans were made before hand. Don't stress over things too much, relax, have fun and enjoy college because college may be one of the best times in my life.


Go and meet as many people as you can, don't be shy. Don't skip classes and do your homework. College is going to be a lot of fun but you are there for school, don't forget that. The first year of classes are easy; use that to your advantage by getting great grades. Find a job and take care of your money, it will disappear before you can realize.


I would tell myself to reconsider. Thus far, college has been rough partially because I feel like I chose to come to Mississippi State University for the wrong reasons. Last year as a senior I was adamant about not listening to a word my parents said about searching for colleges, so I picked a college I did not think they wanted me to go to. Right now, I strongly regret my decision to do this; however, the key to it is making the best of a bad situation. In regards to the transition to college, I would tell myself that while I may have all the time in the world to game and not do anything, I am still here to learn. One of the most important thing about college is the ultimate product, your degree. Furthermore, I would tell myself that no matter how much you get down feeling sick for home, everything could always be worse. I would give myself the advice to not lose sight of who I am because that identity is an important part of who I am in the world. Moreover, no matter how down in the dumps I get, always come back stronger.


Slow down, enjoy your days. Realize that the choices you are making are honestly going to impact the direction of the rest of your life. Listen to your parents - they are not as disconnected or unrealistic as you are sure they are. Begin asking yourself questions about what you want for your life, and where you see yourself in 10 years. Ponder how you plan to get from point A to point B and then ask yourself if you are willing to do the work necessary. My hope is that you not only will realize it is worth it, but that you deserve it! You are an awesome individual and have tremendous potential (which is why your teachers were always riding you)! You can do and BE ANYTHING that you set your sights on. Don't be afraid if your goals and dreams scare you a little - if they don't then they aren't big enough. Cherish every moment as it comes and realize that with God and your family, you are off to an awesome life! I love you...


If I could give myself any advice, it would be to get out there more. I would make more friends and reach out to meet new people more than I did in the beginning.


While I have been in college for two years now, I have thought about what I would tell myself if I could go back in time. There are two things I would tell my former self, and the first thing I would say is to start taking my classes seriously from the get go. Coming from the background that I do, I am getting aid from Mississippi to help me pay for college and in return I must keep a 3.0 grade point average. I never studied in high school and when I came up here I really didnt take it seriously until after my first semester in which I made below a 3.0 and since then I have had to learn to study twice as hard to keep my grants and aids. The second advice I would give myself is to be who I want to be and not to change to fit in. I tried out the fraternity life, I tried fitting in, but when it came to it I got out of it. I could not be myself there and now I could not be happier.


If I could go back in time, my best advice would be well prepared and do not take anything lightly. Start a study program and learn how you study best at a young age and study a little bit everyday, therefore that way you will know the information and not have as much stress. Also, stick with the community college transition first to get ahead on academics and receive more scholarships for the Universities.


I would tell myself that Mississippi State was the place for me and to not stress out about it. I would also tell myself to look for more scholarships so college would be much more affordable.