Middlebury College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Middlebury College?


White bread rich kids with zero artistic integrity


To be a MiddKid, you must fulfill at least some of the following requirements: - Enjoys the outdoors to point of fanaticism - Recycles - Streaks/enjoys public nudity - From the Northeast - Plays Quidditch or ultimate frisbee - Wears plaid shirts, Patagonia fleeces and Chaco hiking sandals - Speaks at least two languages


People think Middlebury is preppy. People think, "Oh, you go to school with all those East-Coast prep-school lacrosse-playing popped-collar douchebags?" And I'm like, Well, yeah, I do, but me and my friends are COOL!


I would say that a major stereotype about Middlebury is that everyone is fluent in about three languages. Not true. I am one of the few who did not take a language at Midd and I made it out alive. I would also say that people describe Middlebury as being incredibly preppy and that is a generalization that has changed a lot through the years. When I left last spring, the campus was incredibly diverse and provided a group for almost every type of person.


rich, white, preppy, outdoorsy, environmental, skiers


Everyone is smart, especially the non-atheletes


rich kids from boston and greenwich


Middlebury students are characterized as being intelligent, worldly, rich, white kids. This is partially because of the obnoxious term "ClubMidd" that has plagued the College for years. Though it is somewhat apt -- the College is gorgeous and luxurious -- it's still obnoxious.


A lot of people think Middlebury is only a school for languages. Of course, it has good language departments, but I went four years without taking a language, and certainly don't regret it. Another stereotype is that Middlebury students are all rich white kids. I think Middlebury still has some work to do in terms of diversity (racial, economic, geographic, religious, and otherwise), but I never felt like the student body was homogeneous. There are a wide range of opinions on campus about most things.


It's a preppy white school filled with preppy white rich kids who went to boarding school.