Michigan State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Michigan State University know before they start?


The first advice I would give myself during my senior year in high school is to not take the psychology class at the local community college as I will change my major from Psychology to Human Resource Management. Instead, I should take a course pertaining to Human Resource. In addition, I would tell myself to not sign the housing contract until I am sure that I will be living on-campus because although the college kept mailing me the contract and telling me to sign it, the action is not necessary. By not signing, it would save the trouble of trying to terminate the contract. Finally, the last advice would be to introduce myself to fellow classmates,not be shy, and enjoy myself as other students are looking to make friends and have a good time too but are afraid to make the initial move. If I had this knowledge with me in the beginnning, the transition to college life would have been much smoother.


The advice that I would give myself as a high school senior was to save money for college. I had a job and I did not save anything at all and wasted my money on material things when I should of saved it all for for books and tuition. Another thing was to pay attention in my math class as a senior since the math in college is the same. I never paid attention in math and now I regret that because I dont no the things I should no. The last thing is to be prepared for all of my assignments no matter what because I was a lazy person and I had horrible study habits. So I should of forced myself to study in high school that way it would not be so hard for me now. Since I'm in college , I learned from my mistakes and now I want to give my all in every class because failure is not an option for me.


As a high school senior, many of us did not pay much attention to our future because we were too caught up in the moment of being "almost done with school." Looking back, I wouldn't change much because I did have fun, while still managing to mantain good grades. However, I did not think much about difficult it is to afford college. These days college costs a ridiculous amount of money. If I could go back, I would apply for more scholarships and perhaps get my CNA so I could get a better paying job. Also, I think I would have tried to meet more people from around where I lived who were going to MSU so that I would have more friends coming in. I would also tell myself to go in blind because this whole arranged roomate thing hasn't really worked out like I thought it would. Other than that, I have had a pretty good transition with a few minor bumps. I've managed to pull off good grades, but this semester, I need to get out and meet more people and have a good time.


I was one of those students who came to college and knew how to study, which is great. But, because of my knack for studying, I was wrapped up in trying to be perfect in high school. I may have gotten to be the Valedictorian, but I don't have nearly as many memories as a lot of my friends have from high school. I would study for hours every night so that I would reach my academic goals. I would skip get-togethers with friends, high school sports games, and weekend trips. This pattern of behavior carried into college and I found myself studying while my new friends were out having fun. I have learned to have a little more fun after being here a couple years, but if I could go back to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to have a little more fun, because in college you don't have as much time to have fun and goof around like you could in high school. I don't regret the successes I have had, but I do regret the sacrifices I made to earn those successes.


Remember that you are in college; work hard, but save a little time for fun. Feel free to get help if you don't understand something; chances are, you are not alone. Get together with other students from your classes; studying with others reinforces good work ethic. Plan ahead-anything can happen to cause you to miss out on being your best. Enjoy yourself and choose to grow.


If I was given the opportunity to go back and start my college education over again, I would tell myself to dual enroll in college for my senior year of highschool. I would also tell myself to take more credits, more specifically, more essential credits. Also I would tell my former self to get more involved in extra curricular activities, such as student government and sports. I would also tell him to apply to more colleges, apply for more scholarships and be generally all around more active in his search for higher education. In the end however, I can't say that I regret the path I've chosen. The place I'm at right now is not that bad, by many it would be considered pretty great actually. That's not to say I don't live with regrets about certain decisions, but all around I'm happy with the place the path I've taken has led me to.


There's a few things I would go back and tell myself. First suck it up and apply for scholarships, it doesn't take that long and getting loans is going to be hard and may not actually happen. Also you don't have to repay scholarships which will be beneficial when you graduate due to the job market. Second you make a decent amount of money at your job, save some of it and learn how to make a budget. Third, going to community college for 2 years will be the best decision you can ever make, it'll give you an easier time transitioning and you will have some fantastic teachers who will be more than willing to make sure you succeed. Finally where you go to school doesn't matter; work hard, make good connections, and get one or two good internships. These 3 things will help you succeed once you graduate, not the parties you attended or your football team.


My high school did not offer enough college courses. I would try to take more college courses somewhere else to be more prepared in some areas in college. I would also tell myself to think harder about attending a college so far from home. I get home sick some times. It has helped me grow as a person and student to have to be able to figure out things out on my own.


Rewinding back to my senior year of high school, I would simply slip myself a jumbo sticky note, " Live life as if your hair were on fire, without a fear of getting burned, turning each daily occurance into an opportunity. No Expectations! Things will never go as planned, that is the ultimate plan. Even when things go terribly wrong, recognize those times as "Ultimate Lessons" needed to become the aware, intelligent women that you are meant to be. Do your best, don't even relinquish for a second when you want to take a break. You will be receiving your college diploma faster than you can say, "I got excepted!". Study abroad as often as possible, global views are needed in every field, for how else could we as humans collectively advance. Meet new people, join school groups and organizations, leave your mark and help people as much as you would like to be helped. Last but not least, remember that God has impregnated you with a gift and you must go to any lengths to give birth to it.


I wish I could tell myself to slow down and enjoy high school life. Life just gets harder as it goes on. School work gets harder in college. Relationship problems get worse the older you are. I just wanted to get out of high school and move one. I dont thinki ever got to really enjoy it. I made alot of wrong decision in friends and activities. I think if I would have slowed down i would have realized it sooner. I also wish I would be able to tell myself to explore as many options as possible. I am happy with all of my choices this far I just wish I would have explored as many college and major options as possible.