Michigan State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Michigan State University?


We know how to party! We're always getting in trouble with the law, we all smoke marijuana and snort cocaine, we're not very smart, our girls are hot, Cedar Fest is just one big angry mob, Basketball is good, our football team sucks, "if you can't go to U of M, go to State," etc.


Some people believe that all we do is drink and party


that they drink.. a lot.


School is too big Party school


They only party all the time, and that Lyman Briggs students do not ever party or go out, they just study.


People think that MSU students party all the time and don't work hard in school. A lot of people think that just because someone goes to MSU, it means that he or she did not get into U of M. Both of these stereotypes are false. MSU is just as good of a school as U of M. The classes are very demanding and require dedication in order to receive a decent grade. At the end of the day, MSU students work just as hard as U of M students, but know how to have a better time once the work is done.


A lot of people say its a party school, not really an education, blow off classes and whatnot.


Party school.


Hot girls, Party School


Party school.