Michigan State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Michigan State University!


At Michigan State, even though you are on a huge campus, everyone is very close. I my fellow Spartans are my second family. Being in a program like the business program helps that. Michigan States makes it so that you can really get to know people who are in your major with you. I take a lot of my classes with other business majors and we help each other out with studying a getting notes if we happen to miss class. I love that I can go to such a big, prominent school and still have the small campus experience.


MSU has a beautiful campus that draws students in. While the classes are often larger and the academics are sometimes not as thorough as other schools, the cameraderie is infectious and noticeable. Although there are predispositions toward white middle-upper class tendancies, kindness abounds and through it all humanity makes more of a mark than I have seen in other schools. People are often more willing to help out in classes and spare a friendly word.


Michigan State really focuses on keeping their campus natural and beautiful. The idea is to keep it almost like a park space with buildings strategically placed throughout. It is a beautiful campus with a downtown very close, unlike Western Michigan University where the downtown is 15 minutes away, or the University of Michigan where the campus is actually in the middle of downtown with hardly any green spaces. For me the campus feel is very important. If I'm not happy with the environment I'm living in, it will make it harder to be successful.


We're one of the largest campuses in the country, and the meal plan is probably the best in the state. The campus is also contained, but not completely cut off from the world, and very easy to maneuver once you know what you're looking for and how to get there.


What is unique about my school is the location and what we are involved in. MSU is very environmentally orientated and takes a lot of pride in it. It is very encouraging to be part of a school that wants to make a difference in the world and continues to expand. Another thing that is unique compared to other schools I considered is the size of the school. It is great how many people get involved.


I consider MSU unique because there is no defining student stereotype. Students are neither inherently liberal like some progressive colleges or conservative like many religious institutions. Level of studiousness, socioeconomic class, or chosen major? Complete ambiguity. From every topic across the globe it can be said students come from a wide variety of experiences. My friends from high school who attend other schools could immediately describe their student body if asked, however it is with great difficulty for me to do the same. There is no "typical" MSU student and for that, I am extremely proud.


Michigan State has an abundance of international students. They are actively pushing to make the campus completely "green".


The large size


nothing, most of the big ten schools are similar, except Michigan State has mostly in-state students from Michigan.


The diverse student body and the many academic opportunities available.