Pay attention to what the school offers and what appeals to you. Don't go to a school just because someone else you know is going there. Focus on a place that you know you can and will grow at. Some colleges will be more pricey than others but most schools have an easy financial program that will help you out in the long run. Take advantage of your education, you'll be there for at least four years.
Have your child do an overnight stay so that they can have a real college experience before they actually attend. Once you're there make sure you make friends with the people you meet so you have a social life. After the first month it's hard to make real friends and that can make or break your social life.
I advice parents and students to look into college as early as sophomore year in high school. The earlier you and your child set goals and standards for college and begin looking the less overwhelmed you will be, because choosing the right school is extremely important. Students should look into possible career paths and extra curricular activities they would be interested in and based on there interest find a school that offers a wide variety just in case their interest changes. Then both student and parent should make a separate list in what they feel fits their personal needs and preferences. For example, the size of the school, location, diversity, classes offered, activities etc. When both lists are made they should combine them and make compromises. After making a list I would start looking for schools that have everything you and your parents are looking for and arrange numerous college visits. I can not stress how important college visits are; they really help you get a true feeling for the school. Apply early and on time and which ever school you choose know that you make your college experience.
Don't force yourself into anything. Make sure it is what you want. And in the end, if it is not for you, then it is okay to change. First impressions are important and the first year of college is the same way. So, just try to enjoy it and have fun.
financial aid is important but go where you think it will be best for you
Parents should realize that this is a time for their students to become the adults that they need to be and trust that their children know what's best for them while finding a college and while there. Students should look not just into academics and social, but how the school will make them feel. Talk to students at the school (beyond the student tour guides) to get a better idea of what it's like. Once you get there, do not be shy about meeting new people. I know at McDaniel, when you walk into the cafeteria alone, you can feel 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} comfortable going up to a table and asking to sit there and feel included. You want a campus in which the other students are going to be welcoming and accepting.
Get involved in extracurricular activities right's the best way to make friends.
Choose the school that you feel you will succeed the best at in all aspects. That includes academics as well as social life. College is about finding yourself for your career as well as finding friends who you will have for the rest of your life. The size of the school you choose can play a big role in being happy where you are. Be aware that the smaller the school, the smaller the class sizes are likely to be and if you want one on one time with professors, its much easier at a small institution. Also, it is easier to find a social group you feel apart of at a small school. With less people, you become closer to those you are around on a consistent basis.