Massachusetts Institute of Technology Top Questions

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I am a chemistry major, and that was a mistake. Chemistry is good, but the MIT chemistry department is neither friendly nor flexible. I have asked the chemistry department for many things over the years, and they have always said no. Questions I have asked include: Can I get help in a class, can I take an independent study, can I get a research job, can I study this really interesting thing, can I rearrange my schedule like this? The answer was always "no" or "we can't help you." At this point, I feel ashamed and guilty every time I ask a professor or department administrator for anything, and I am unsurprised when they say no. Often, the reason given for inflexibility or not helping their students is "if we did this for you, we would have to do it for everyone." The best comeback I can think of is "you SHOULD do it for everyone. X other department does this for everyone!" This argument hasn't worked yet.


America kicks ass.


Going to MIT is the best decision i've ever made. if you are given the opportunity, you should definitely at least come visit and see if you like it. there is definitely room for every type of person here, and anybody who works hard enough can survive.


MIT is a lot of work, but it is worth it in the end!