Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts?


hates rural areas


Someone who likes the city, a mall 5 minutes away, and clear sunny 75 degree weather should NOT attend this school. We definitly have Northeastern weather, we're located in the mountains and the closest "mall" (if you could call it that) is 30 minutes away!


Someone who is liberal, has an open mind, and doesn't judge others. Athletes, liberals, anime fans, and the like all can find their niche.


The type of person that shouldn't attend this school is someone that likes a loud, noisy city. Someone who isn't interested in art or music, or who prefers to spend their times at clubs would not do well at that school. I knew one girl that left the school because she said she felt like the mountains were imprisoning her; I feel as thoug they keep me safe. Even the topography influences people's feelings.