Maryland Institute College of Art Top Questions

Describe how Maryland Institute College of Art looks to someone who's never seen it.


Maryland Institute College of Art is an artistic networking machine.


Like one big artistic family nestled together in one big city.


A community of supporttive and critical peers that understand an impulsize urge to make art


MICA is a challenging, magical, invigorating art school that will make you work your hardest and fall in love with it.


The Maryland Institute College of Art is a school that specializes in art and schmoozing in the art world.


Mica is tedious and time consuming with a varitey of amazing artists doing all different tings from all different cultures and backrounds trying to make it in the art world.


My school is open minded, creative, excepting, and though I am pushed to my limits to create work I still consider it the best decision of my life.


This college is an blank canvas for developing and maturing your mind and body.


An amazing environment where the students are as much of an inspiration as the teachers, and everyone really pushed you to work your hardest and create things that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also conceptual.


MICA is a very prestegious art Institute with a generally relaxed, communal atmosphere.