Marquette University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Marquette University?


I brag most about the outstanding education program, the sense of community, and opportunity to practice my faith, and Marquette's commitment to social justice.


All of my professors are really cool, basketball games are the best. It's really sweet being in downtown Milwaukee.


I love Marquette University due to the class size and the one on one relationships with our professors. Itis a wonderful private university and my major (Biomedical Science) is one of the top programs around the country. As a future doctor, I also love our cadaver lab that undergraduate students are allowed to attendas it will help me in my future endeavor as a Pediatric Cardiologist.


Marquette is right by downtown so there is always something to do! A lot of places give great student discounts and Marquette includes a bus pass in the tuition so there is no need to drive in the downtown traffic. If downtown is scary Marquette is constantly offering things to do on campus. This is especially great for people who choose not to drink.


I brag most about the feeling of complete freedom. Many of my friends actually didn't go onto college, so they're still at home with parents watching over them. I love how I get to choose and balance my time. In a sense, it is like being thrown out into the real world, but not 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} because we are still in school. Bragging about this with my friends, I see the look in their eyes when I describe the freedom, and it gives me hope that I'll be able to persuade them to someday join me.


Besides our outstanding athletics, I brag the most about the programs Marquette provides for engineering students, which include design challenges in the freshman intro class, and opportunities to obtain work experience through co-ops and internships with major engineering companies thoughout the country.


I usually brag about all of the new people I've met. It amazed me to make so many friends here that share my ideals and morals. I also brag about our baskeball team and how completely awesome it is to attend classes with these guys and then watch them make magic every weekend.


I brag that I go to a private school. There are people here that share the same beliefs as me which makes it so easy to connect with oher people. Also it helps me keep up with my faith. If I went to a public school, I know I would never attend mass. But because Marquette is a Catholic school there are so many other people who would gladly attend mass with me and it isn't something that is looked down on in any way. The community formed because of the same faith is amazing.


At Marquette, students hold doors open for others. While this act may seem insignificant and minute, I have found that it speaks volumes as to the atmosphere at Marquette. I have never been to another school that does this as much as we do. An act as simple as holding a door open is symbolic of what we stand for and what we work towards. We hope to help all people and to make a difference in the world. We are friendly, helpful, selfless, and welcoming. Furthermore, going to Marquette will open doors for me in my future.


I brag about how compact the campus is and how easy it is to navigate around campus. I also brag about how successful most of the professors are. Most professors have a PhD and they have published impressive work.