My classmates are supportive, challenging, and competitive, so they push me to be the best that I can be.
My classmates are hardworking, good citizens who put their best into the world to be the differene.
The student body is mainly caucasian.
Students wear whatever is clean and closest to them to class. Typically the later the class starts the "nicer" people come to class. Typical clothing ranges from sweatpants and a hoodie to a nice skirt and sweater. Anything goes as long as you are comfortable. The North Face jackets and Ugg boots are one of the most common items you will encounter on the campus.
They are nice and great people and also very social.
Marquette is not a terribly diverse school. Many students are from similar backgrounds- middle to upper class, white, Christian, and the list goes on. While there have been many efforts to diversify the campus, with multicultural clubs and centers, as well as an array of political and social awareness clubs, Marquette still may be too straight-laced for some. The best to meet different people is through clubs and organizations on campus, as well as going to all-campus activities, such as basketball games. Politically, students are all over the board, and can be very active, if you choose to be. Many students interact with students within their colleges, i.e. Health Sciences, Engineering, Business, etc. Marquette is probably deemd preppier than other schools. Men are typically seen in jeans and shirt and baseball hat. Girls range from sundresses in warm weather (this dies down within in the first few weeks, even if the weather doesn't), but more so jeans, leggings, and yoga pants as they settle into classes. Uggs and Northface parkas are always popular in once November rolls around. Overall, the students are pretty preppy, relatively conservative (lifestyle wise), but still accepting of different students.
I think at Marquette, you'll find a very Midwestern vibe. This isn't to say we don't have students that come from all over, but for the most part, you'll find the large majority of campus comes from Wisconsin and Chicago suburbs. There is a large Catholic presence, just based on the fact that the school is jesuit, but it is by no means shoved down your throat. The school is working really hard to become move diverse and also trying to be more welcoming to groups like the LGBT community, which is small but growing.
The fashion on campus is pretty laid back. It's not uncommon to wear sweats or jeans to class, although in some classes, like business classes, its not uncommon to see students dressed up coming from their internships. It's cold for a large chunk of the year so you'll see a lot of north faces on campus (welcome to Wisconsin winters).
The political vibe of Marquette really is very split. Student organizations for both College Republicans and College Democrats are active on campus, but I wouldn't say one is more favored than the other. I was a freshman here during the Obama/McCain election and it was a really interesting time on campus because campus was so split and open to healthy debate.
We have so many different majors and colleges on campus that people have so many different interests. We don't really have one major that defines the university, which I think is cool. We have lots of pre-med kids but then just as many accounting majors. There really is something for everyone!
Students at Marquette are cool.
Marquette University academics are definitely for the fainthearted, but they are still doable. I was accepted to a number of academically competitive schools beside Marquette, such as Boston University, Bentley University, Providence College, etc. All of my professors know me by name regardless of whether my class has 14 people or 180. My largest class is around 180, but it is an introductory 1 credit course that is a pass/fail course. Students who are smart study on a nightly basis, but a little bit at a time, but there are the students who wait until the night before to cram. Marquette University is a University that promotes thinking and reflection, so you will write a fair amount of papers by coming here, but they are explained really well and you leave the classroom knowing what your task is. Peer Review is something promoted by many of the professors, and there is a writing center here on campus to have a teacher look over your paper as well. A lot of my professors are really great people. My Theology professor invited my entire class over for dinner during Fall Break for the opportunity to have a homemade meal. Any of the teachers are willing to meet with you at any time. The University is definitely committed to preparing its students for a career. In fact there are multiple career services centers on campus, in addition to setting up appointments with recruiters. The students are concerned with their own grades, but there isn't too much competition by the students. Everyone is just striving for their own best, which I think differentiates Marquette from the other Top 75 schools. The professors do like to teach but they also want you to think and learn for yourself. You have to put effort in if you want to have good grades.
Interested in science, outgoing, social, hard working.
Passive learners.