Maranatha Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Maranatha Baptist University know before they start?


Research. Visit. Choose


Pray about where the Lord wants you and then trust in him to get you through the year.


Look for colleges that fit the career you are looking at going into, and then visit the campus to see how you fit in. Also, consider colleges that are accredited and will transfer to other universities or colleges with similar, or more advanced programs. You want to enjoy your time on campus making friends and getting involved, but you are paying for an education, therefore academic quality should be pivotal. Finally, if you are athletic or have other special interests in college, find a school that will suit those interests.


Be ready to be challenged by MBBC academically, spiritually, ethically, and morally. This school has strict rules, but they make a safe, Christian environment to focus on academics and lasting, mature relationships. The faculty is also very understanding of students who come in at a lower performance or academic level and work with students to grow in the areas the struggle with.


The college search should be fun and educational for parents and students alike. 1. Be Organized Much frustration during ones college search is due to a lack of organization. Buy an expandable filing folder and organize each section with tabs of important qualities such as student life, financial aid, class size and faculty, ect. This will allow you to quickly compare schools. The short: Don't freak out! - find what you want to know and organize. 2. Be Realistic Many students are overwhelmed by the quantity of possibilities. If a school has qualites you despise, then give it no futher consideration. The same applies for schools lacking qualities you consider important. Many students wait to weed out schools and are left with stacks of information. The short: Don't let it pile up! - throw out the unconsiderables. 3. Be Involved Most colleges offer several groups for cultural interest, majors, and strange hobbies. Your closest friends are found not in classrooms, but through student groups and dorm activities. Get involved with something "bigger" than you - giving time has lasting rewards. The short: Get out there! - video games and shopping are great, but college only comes once (well, for most of us).