Make the most out of the school you choose because once you get there it will only be as good as you make it
Never settle because your friends are there.
I believe students should speak with their parents and get on the same page about looking for the college that is a perfect fit for both the student and the parent. It is a big decision and the options can be overwhelming. Start looking for colleges early, narrow down what you are looking for in a school (i.e. campus size, location, majors, extra-curricular activities, etc.), and dive in. Go on different websites, ask for brochures, and if possible schedule campus visits for your top schools. Remember once you are in college never to lose sight of your academic goals and don't let your social life interfere with your education. Take as many opportunities are given to you such as internships or extra projects or assignments that will aid in your learning and quest for a job. However, don't forget to have fun, responsibly of course, but you will truly get out of college what you put into it so give it your all and you will not be disappointed.
Take your time, apply to as much colleges as you can because it is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.
Make a list of what the student is used to in high school, large or small school, hands on teachers or very independent. Then go back and see what the student would like to have in a college. Also look at the weather around a school and the percent of international students at the school. Do they have the major that the student wants to take and also, do they have classes that grab the students attention? Maybe classes the student has never even heard of but would love to try because that is what college students do, we try new things every day. The first few days in college are scary, and strange but very exciting. It is ok to want to go home or cry a lot. College is not for everyone but parents need to be very supportive of their children, informing them to stick it out the first year, but the end of the first year, they will prob be so happy that they staid that they forget they ever wanted to leave. Students should try everying even if it sounds crazy. Join clubs that wouldn't have been cool in high school.
Make sure you are very invlved in your students life, because this is the time they become independant and you dont want to lose that part of their life where they grow and your not present