Luther College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Luther College?


I appreciated Luther's small student body and student-centered focus in academics and financial matters.


I would brag about our windmill, solar panals and nursing program getting to do clinicals in Rochester at the Mayo Health System.


That the campus is beautiful, as well as the surrounding area, also the people are extremely friendly. I love that the school classes are small and the professors really care about getting to know each student. The programs and majors of the school really are centered around the student rather than the student having to fit to the criteria of the university.


When I meet with my friends who went to large state schools I always brag about the close friendships I have and even though Luther might seem small to them it is the perfect size because it isn't to big and it isn't too small. Another thing I always bring up is the relation between professors and students and how close the bond is because you can't get that at a large state school.


When I talk to my friends I brag about how amazing the music program is and how wonderful the people there are. I'm really into music and the whole music community at my school is so supportive and encouraging. I've developed a lot of confidence and determination that this is what I want to do and it is something that I can achieve if I work hard.


Luther is beautiful. It truly is in a little known part of Iowa, just over the Minnesota border it is surrounded by bluffs and right by the Upper Iowa River. Though it is in a small town, I can't help but feel at home and like I am truly a part of something bigger when I am there. Not to mention, Luther has many talented students that make up it's large music program and feed it's five phenominal choirs. It's annual Christmas At Luther concert was recorded for CD las year and won an Emmy.


The small class size, the academic reputation, and the beautiful landscape surrounding the campus.


I tell them that I go to a school that truly cares about its students. There have been a few rough patches along the way for me, but the school has not given up faith. Everyone that goes to Luther College is someway invested in making the campus a better place. It may be in a very small community, but it is full of hidden gems that make the stay during the school year worth while.


How close knit everyone is and how helpful the professors and staff are.


I always brag about the sense of community I have here at Luther. It seems like everyone knows everyone and everyone has a place to fit it on cammpus. The number of clubs and activities available on campus seems endless. Luther takes an interest in the world issues and majority of the students work toward the contributing to bettering campus and the world as a whole. The class size is small and gives you the opportunity to work with your profs one on one.