How much construction they had planned for the next 4 years. In one of my classes this semseter the Urban Planner gave us a break down of what plans they have for changing the campus. There is going to be major renovations over the course of my time at Loyola and none of them will be finished before I graduate. So pretty much I'll be experiencing lots of construction and demolition, but I wouldn't reap the benefits of it. Plus, so of the constructions means there will be fewer classrooms meaning larger classes which I was not expecting.
I wish I had of know how difficult it would be attend the school depending of how far you live. Also, how financially difficult it is to attend this school, with it's fees, book costs, tuition, transportation etc. I had a really tough time financially attending this school.
Before going to Loyola University Chicago, I was enrolled in a summer program that basically told us what we should know before going to school. If I wasn't in this program, I would wish to know how the transition from high school to college would be like and how to get used to the college atmoshpere and being away from home. Also, how to manage my time wisely in order to keep a well organized academic standing.
Before I came to Loyola, I wish I could have been informed about when class breaks and dining room closures were. First of all, if I were informed about the Fall semester schedule and all the breaks that were planned, then I would have had a better idea of how to plan my daily and weekly plans more wisely. And secondly, if I were told about the dining room closures during certain breaks, I could have shopped for groceries ahead of time instead of spending more money on the pleasures of an off-campus meal.
I wish I would have known more about the realities of the cost and how difficult it can be to pay to go here.
That I didn't need to take Biology and Chemistry to eligible for a Phd
I whish I had known that I had to take a theology course-- I am a religious person, but I prefer not to have a class devoted to it.
how different it is from the world i lived in at home
I wish I would have realized how small the school was, which can be annoying at times. However, being in the big city of Chicago kind of cancels out that small-campus feeling. Also, be aware that you are going to spend a lot of money! You are going to a private school and living in one of the most expensive cities in the country!
I wish I had attended a class and had more opportunity to talk to actual students instead of the tour guides whose job it is to sell the school.