Los Medanos College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Los Medanos College?


The most frustarating thing about Los Medanos College is howhard it is to get into classes. AT this ths shool classes tend to feel up really quick sometimes making it to where you cant get into classes that you need fto graduate or for your major.


i don,t know


The most frusterating thing about LMC has to be te mass amount of students and very little classes.


The most frustrating thing about my school is how expensive everything you need for every following semester is. For example, the cost of books are very expensive and recently the cost of tution went up.


The most frustrating thing about Los Medanos College is the fact that it is a community college which is easy to get into. Due to this, anyone seeking higher education can attend. This creates crowded classrooms and hallways.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that very important announcements aren't cleary passed amongst the faculty and the students, causing a lot of confusion.


The most frustrating thing about LMC is that the faculty (though not neccessarily the teachers) do not see the students as people serious about their educations. Instead of being helpful, they instead make students feel as if they won't go anywhere, a fate that does not apply to every LMC student. It's hard to get help with anything outside of the classroom due to this, which is frustrating. The students that are what the faculty expect, those who lack focus and drive, are also frustrating.


there is nothing really frustrating about my school. it's really good. quite and has a friendly environment. But something I sometimes feelthat makes me felel little frustrate is about parking lot. it's very hard to find parking since it's a community college. people from everywhere come in the college. some of them just come to used the library. but beside parking lot. there is nothing frustrating about my school.