Los Angeles Trade Technical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Los Angeles Trade Technical College know before they start?


From the knowledge I have now, I would tell "High School Senior Me" that it is not important where you go to school. It is also not important whether or not you go straight to a four year as long as you are prepared to work hard and get good grades. Just because everyone else in your social group is rubbing it in people's faces where it is that they are going does not mean you are any less than them. Everything works out for the best and eventually you will see that your decision was better than you ever thought. High School is not the end and there are better opportunities for you in the future. Also, get into the Extended Opportunities program during your first year and do not let the money go to waste.


The transition from High School to College, is a life changing experience that many studenst are not prepared for. For the most part, trying to juggle school and work is not as easy as I thought it would be. If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advice myself to consider gettting my license as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), or a License Vocational Nurse (LVN). With either one of these license I would be able to work in what I like, and I would know what it is to work in a hospital environment. With the experience I have gained, I will than go back and persuit my license as a Resgister Nurse.


If I were able to talk to my high school senior self, I would say the most that I can to make my present self a much better person. One of the things, is to tell her that she has to give this senior year the best she can accomplish. To finish up and fulfill that goal list she had. Another thing, was to say that even though she was in many clubs, programs, and doing extra curricular activities is to explore beyond that. The last thing is to consult her, that when the time comes to take the SAT/ACT is to study hard. I would motive her to not get distracted by her surroundings and give her that push and support she needed to keep her going. When that time came, where she was waiting and standing at the door of the classroom for the instructor to call out names and begin testing. To not turn back because she was stressed about her parent's divorce and doubted herself that she wasn't good and didn't study enough. Overall, only what you presently do to commit youself to your education can determine your unpredictable future.


"If I knew then what I know now" is a song by a country western singer that could not be more correct. If I could go back in time to my senior year, I would give myself three pieces of advice. One, listen to the college advisor who tried to help you go straight to college after high school. Two, there really is a good reason life should be college, marriage, and then children and not in any other order. Last, apply for scholarships, scholarships. scholarships! I took a year off of school and it became harder and harder to get back in school. Just when I went and attending for one year, I got pregnant with my first child. It was important for me to stay at home with my children so I did. Soon after, two more children and no time to go to school. My second point is to get a commitment from "him or her". When he decided to leave, I had to work to support us. Ten years later, I have returned to college and my children could not be more supportive and proud of me. In order to finish, I need scholarships, scholarships, scholarships.


I would give myself the advice to brace myself to take college life one step at a time and not to get overwhelmed. College life is not about hanging out with friends and not going to class. College is for people who wish to be successful because the student decides to. Its not easy but with a little help and the right tools the student can and will be a success and ultimatly reach the goal of graduation wich will only set off our education path.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to apply to a University instead of a community college. I would have applied for the first fall semester instead of applying the following spring semester. I would have told myself to quit my job so that I could focus completely on school. I would have told myself to save my money so that I can buy a car. I would have also told myself to make a friend in all of my classes so that I can have somebody to study with. I would tell myself to make sure I take plenty of notes and if possible to take a tape recorder so that I completely understand the topics. This is the advice I would have given myself If I had the opportunity to talk to myself as a high school senior, It would have given me a better college experience.


Well if i can go back in time and talk to myself, I would first compliment myself as a person that is willing to learn. According to what I know now as oppose to back then I would have lots of advice to offer. I would motivate myself to work harder and make the right choices. I would have told myself to engage in more academic curriculms. As a college student now i would have told myself to prepare for the big world because college is a totally differnt atmosphere then high school. College life revolves around priorities, responsibility and courage. No one is going to baby you and make sure you turned your work in on time like you are in high school still. The transition from high school to college was not bad as i thought. i just had to get accustomed to it. Thats some of the advise i would have told myself if I could go back in time!


Stay focused and attend college immediately from graduation. Apply for all scholarships and pell grants possible. This is the best way, you do not want to be a returning freshman at 33 with two children and barely enough funds to pay for the expensive books. It will definitely be greater later, it's ok to sacrafice the fun and enjoyment of life right now. Remember, you will never be passed up twice for a promotion because you don't have your degree. Good luck and Go Bless!


I would go to someone who I could trust as a mentor and ask them to help me formulate a plan and help me to set goals about my future. I would write down my goals and review them daily to keep myself on track. I would volunteer and read as much as I could about my chosen field of interest and then inventory myself to find out if this the direction I want to go in. As things change, my options may also change, so I need to be prepared for this. I would research trends and scientific date associated with my interest. I would build a network of people who are of the same mind set as I am to keep my self on track. This would help me to build my skills and prepare my for my career.