Limestone College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is that there is a program for all students. As far as attending school, there is a day, evening, or extended campus program. I think this is a good idea because for each program, there is a group of people available to assist those students. I am an extended campus program student (online) and I have a certain few that I talk to and ask questions, rather than going through a list of people. I think that's a good idea and helps a lot of people out.


The best about my school is that the Professors do everything to make sure that you understand the work. Tutoring is available, and professors are available to answer any questions or assist in anyway necessary. I also like the fact that they are extremely diverse. Knowing that the professors are willing to assist in anyway provides a positive environment. The diversity is just icing on the cake and all students seem to get along and help each other however they can.


The best thing about my school is that it's small. It has a small number of students which makes it a comfortable place to learn. It has the great benefit of one on one conversations with the professors, quietness to study, and privacy. There are great, beautiful view to look at. Also, the small campus is easy to get around. No long walks to classes or the cafeteria, everything is in it's place.


Its quiet for the most part and cheap