Lewis University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lewis University know before they start?


If I could go back to my senior year of high school I would tell myself to put more effort into finding and submitting more scholarships. Also, I would tell myself the transition from my home town to college is different, but with time it will get better. Within the first few months of school, first impressions are everything. The key to meeting new people is confidence and kindness. Positive personalities are contagious and other people remember the student with a smile on their face who starts a friendly converstaion.


As my freshman year of college was about to begin, I only knew little of what to expect. Knowing what I know now about college life and the transitions I have encountered thus far, I would tell myself to manage my time wisely. Throughout my high school years, I had the time to work, go to the health club, and have some "me" time to relax and watch tv. In retrospect, I felt like I had no time to do the things I wanted to do because I was constantly studying and doing homework. Granted, I got my homework done before ten o'clock each night, but I was so drained that I constantly wanted to sleep. Another thing I would tell myself is not to procrastinate the slightest bit. In high school, I used to study for exams the night before the exam took place. I thought that my bad habit from high school would work in college, but I was not too pleased with my first exam grade. After finishing my first semester of college, I now know I need to strategize better for my second semester to come and am ready to do so.


If I had the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would advise myself not to go to college right away. When I was a high school senior I was not mature enough for college. I did not understand the amount of money it would cost and the amount of responsibility and effort it would take. Although I knew I did not want to go to college I went anyway to please my parents. It was the biggest mistake I ever made because I did not do well in school and I eventually dropped out. When I look back on it now I am sick about the money I wasted. I would tell the high school version of myself not to worry, that with time and maturity I will want to go to college, and when that times comes it will be the biggest priority in my life. Lastly, I would tell myself that it is okay not to do what people think you should do or expect you to do. People need to do things in their own time.


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the advice i would give would be: to start my search for the right college early, to remember to still concentrate on academics through my senoir year, and to not stress over little battles, college opens many new oportunities. For each peice of advice I have a reason for why, and how, it has impacted me. I started my college search very late in my senior year, I feel that had I started sooner, perhaps applied to more schools and taken more visits, making the final dicisson would have felt easier. Nevertheless, I dont regreat any of the steps I took on my way to finding Lewis. You know its the right choice when you can look back and say that the hard choice was the easiest one of your life. I would remind myself that academics are still important! Many seniors tend to not focus as much on school, this can make the transition very difficult, the college workload is twice anything in highschool. Finally i would remind myself to not stress over little things, college has opened so many doors!


If I was able to go back to high school and speak with myself about college life I would tell myself to make sure I took as many writing classes as one can becuase you will do a lot of report writing in college. I would also suggest getting involved in school activities such as school government so that when you move on to college and you enter into a new school you will feel more comfortable speaking with new people. Taking a speech class is another lovely idea, it will help prepare you for the massive amounts of speeches that most college classes require. I would tell my high school self that I need to apply for scholarships starting right after midterms and not a minute later because there are millions of people applying for those same scholarships. The most important thing however is to enjopy your senior year and not to stress to much because you can't go back and redo it, you need to just have fun being young, once your in college you enter the real word.


I would tell myself to take class serious, do all my work, and don't play around because from what I know now college is no joke. In college you will think its going to be all fun and games, but its not you have to set goals and remember them. Your going to have to seperate school life from social life just like in high school. I will tell myself that college is hard and that high school is suppose to prepare you for college and if its not then prepare yourself. I would say Melvetta don't spend so much time hanging out with friends. While you watching the freshman and sophmores plays volleyball, you can be doing your work. Mel I just don't want to see you give up on yourself and not do your best. Melvetta do your best and try hard don't let anyone take your focus from you. Be smart.


At my high school, we were able to make up test and quizzes that we may not have done well on. With this, I found myself not having to study and as such didn't learn as much as I possibly could have. I would love to go back and study more, so that when I came to college I would have a study routine down and also have more knowledge in various subjects. Also, I wish I would be able to tell myself to enjoy the experience of school. Often times I get too caught up in having to type papers or catch up on work I put off that I wish I didn't procrastinate as much. Similarly, I find myself as shy at some times and this only hinders the experience of college. I wish I was able to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior and tell myself all of these things. It may not make for a perfect college life, but it'd help lead me on a straight path.


Looking back from my freshman dorm I would go back and instill some advice to myelf. I would tell myself to look for scholarships early. The counselors may have badgered us about them but they were right. It is never too earlier to look for scholarships. Scholarships will benefit you in the long run for they will be there when you don't want to take out anymore student loans. Those loans seem little and simple at first but they add up in the end plus interest. Scholarships can also help to make your decision on a school easier. Money is a big issue nowadays and it could be the decidin factor of going to your choice school or settling for the second or third. I know part of my decision to go to Lewis University depended on the financial aspect of the total equation. So start early in looking for scholarships. There are many out there and you don't have to pay them back. It's practically free money they are giving away. All that needs to be done is filling out a form.


When you get into college be prepared to be more responsible. Proffesors put more on you to get your stuff done. Teachers in high school remind you when things are due and are really easy on you. In college it is a lot different. Sure, the Proffesors are great but they are teaching you to be able to do things on your own. Don't procrastinate because you need to be able to put effort in all of your assignments so that you will be happy with your grades and deserving. I would also tell myself to never get discouraged and to try my hardest and to not ever slack off. I would tell myself to pay full attention and to learn as much as I could. What we get out of it is our choice. I would tell myself to look at assignments as opportunities to grow and to learn. It really helps shape who you are going to be and what kind of life you will have after school. I would tell myself to get good learning habits so that the transition would be a lot easier for when a big work load is given to me.


I would advise myself not to get lazy and to keep up with my hard work. Make sure that I have lots of good friends that can help me make it through the years.