Lenoir-Rhyne University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Lenoir-Rhyne University?


A person who doesn't want to be noticed, wants to have large class sizes and one who does not enjoy the cold.


Lenior Rhyne is for almost anyone. There is help for people that are deaf and other physical situations. If you have the desire to learn and be pushed this is the place for you. If you want to float through college, you dont want Lenior Rhyne. If you think the world owes you something you dont want to come to Lenior Rhyne. Lenior Rhyne is tough but makes you better.


one who doesn't want to read outside of class


A focused, driven, and outgoing individual would do great at Lenoir-Rhyne University.


To be honest, anyone should try to attend this school. If at first students may think that this school does not seem to be what they are looking for, they will begin to find out very soon that it is actually just the school that they need. With plenty of majors to choose from, professors that are eager to help, classmates and friends that are here for you, and a friendly envionment that welcomes all, it is hard to imagine someone that shouldn't attend this school!


Someone who actually wants an academic challenge (unless they're in the nursing program).