Start saving money as earlly as you can to help out with your living expenses and books for college. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and make new friends and try new things. Study hard every night and take every test and quiz seriously. Become friends with your professors and make sure to stay on there good side. Oh and make sure you buy a lot of winter clothes, it snows a lot up here and is rarely over forty degrees.
I would tell my younger self to think about the choices she makes very carefully, because the choices we make today will impact our lifes in negative or positive ways in the future. I would also warn myself that life is filled with unexpected trials and hardships, and education is a gift that opens the doors of opportunities to overcome the obstacles in life, so we can reach our goals and acheive our highest potential in the future.
I would then stress to my younger self that I know what the path ahead of her holds, and I want only the best for my younger self and myself today as well. Therefore, I would ask that she take my advice to continue her education, because she has hidden talents and abilities that she has not realized yet, and through education and life experience, she will be an asset to society and will inspire others as well.
Before parting ways with my younger self, I would encourage her to believe in herself, and never listen to any discouraging words that others might speak, because she is smart and strong, and she can achieve all goals that she sets in life.
I would tell myself to pick one school and stick with it. Make sure you do plenty of research and go to a four year university right out of high school. Being twenty two years old and seeing all of your friends graduating, while you still have many years of school left, is pretty upsetting.
If I could go back in time and have a talk with my senior self, there would be a fairly interesting conversation had. Getting to see myself before the overwhelming consumption of Top Ramen, I'm sure I would start this conversation with a "Roz, ya look good." And then I would go on to say, "Roz...what were you thinking?! The slacking and the procrastination you so enjoy in high school now is definitely a step and a hop down the wrong path if you want to make it big in college. I, you're future self, forbid you to finish one more essay, project and/or solve your last equations at 11:59pm the night before it's due. Because doll, if you think your professors will be just as laxed as your high school babysitters, you might as well just stay home. Oh and for future reference, when you get your car (which will be soon, calm down) getting to school on time means getting there 20 minutes before (parking lots are killers). Oh and kid, be yourself. Remember, everyone here is trying to make it! That just means you have to do your best BETTER.
I would tell myself to make better grades and care more about my education. Also, I would tell myself to continue my education.
Hello dear, I know you're eager, excited, and terrified, but please here me out for just a little while. You're about to embark on a roller coaster of an experience. Think the most twisty-turny-topsy-turvy roller coaster you can imagine. Think Frodo's journey to Mordor; It's going to be difficult! There are times when you are going to feel depressed. You will have panic attacks, and they will be scary, but you will make it through. You will find out people are not always what they seem, for better and for worse. You will get your feelings hurt, and your heart broken, but I will tell you something; you will make it through! You will make friends that will lift you up. You will surprise yourself and do things you didn't realize you could do. Most importantly, you will discover how strong you are! I know that sounds crazy, but you will see. Believe that you are strong, because just like Frodo, with the help of your fellowship, and the strength within yourself that were unaware of, you will make it through!
Man those were the days! If I could even begin to think of what advice that I would give to myself it would be to go above and beyond my expectations, even more so that I was doing. I was always a people pleaser and wanted to achieve high grades in anything, as I was very competitive.
I would now look back and encourage myself to attend an early college program to go ahead and get some college pre-requisites out of the way, that way I would go into college already taking college classes, which would assist me in knowing the college process and put me ahead of the "pack". I would also be more active in clubs and societies as the majoity of scholarships require you to have this under your belt and it would give me a sense of understanding of why the club was put into place. I would be an advocate for students with disabilities and encourage them to persue education to the fullest of their abilities. When I was in school we were pretty much apart from this population and I feel that they need to be intergrated to learn more.
What I have gotten out of my college experience so far would have to be great friends. From the very first day we met we all have gotten along really well. If you act different from them and do not always have the same view on things, they still accept you for who you are. College has been valuable to attend because it has already allowed me to grow more independent and step away from my parents protection. College has also allowed me to become my own person and has shown me who I really am away from my comfort zone and how well I stick with what I believe in.
I have learned so much from the college atmosphere. When I started attending college I was fresh out of high school at 17. I saw it to be a relaxed environment and I only had to attend when I 'wanted' to. I then got a full time job and stopped going to school to start working and supporting myself. I now value hard work and strive for only excellence in my classes I currently attend to acheive the A grade I am capable of receiving. It is only from going to college and supporting myself that I see how much of a struggle life is. It is not as easy as we would like it to be, but going to college and bettering myself has been an eye-opening experience. I only hope to pass along the knowledge that I have learned and have yet to learn when I continue my education in the Nursing field, to my children. I have also learned from going to college, the importance of comradery amoungst my fellow peers and learning have a direct influence on eachother and that people can bring many ideas to light.
Lees-McRae offers all students to be what they want, if they are willing to work for it. I have enjoyed my classes and my teachers. I appreciate all they have taught me and how they've worked with me when I've needed help. It's a great place to learn.