I think the best thing about Lee Uiversity is that you are also getting schooling in liberal arts and a minor in religion. This weill help when you are looking for a job because they will see the liberal arts you did and know that you can do more than what your major is. Also in havig a religion minor it shows you have ethics. Schooling at Lee University sets you ahead of the crowd when looking for jobs because you have more than just a major in one thing.
Lee University has a very kind, accepting enviornment. In a world where people are ridiculed and shamed for things beyond their control, it is refreshing to be in a place that disregards differences and focuses on similarities. It is very easy to feel at home here. Of course the academic program is fantastic, but what really draws one to Lee, to anywhere, is the people; and the people here are genuinley good people. They truly practise what they preach, which is a rare and admirable quality.
I love the friendliness of everyone on campus. Also, everyone on campus is very helpful with any questions I might have. All the staff always has a smile on their face.
Lee University offers a friendly, helpful environment where your Professors are actively engaged in your learning. They genuinely care about your experience, physical and spiritual well-being, and academics. This allows you to feel that your thoughts and time are valued and you are not just another student that provides them with a steady job. Lee values community service, which opens your eyes to the need of the world. They also require a cross-cultural trip that allows you to see the differences and diversity. Every student is unique, friendly, and ready to help.
As a Christian, I absolutely love that I can be honest about my faith without someone getting offended. This is the first time in my life I can go out in public, profess my life as a Christian, and not be threatened or looked down upon. As students, we are encouraged to be open about new ideas concerning the Bible and the church itself. We are adults now; there is no reason why we must blindly follow others and their beliefs. I have the ability to decide for my own what I do believe and what I do not.
The best thing about my school is that all the staff and faculty care about each student and help them achieve their goals to succeed in life with whatever career they choose. Lee University has created an environment for students to feel accepted and safe to study and learn from highly qualified and distinguished Professors in their field. Also, Lee has excellent Music, PreMed, and Athletic Programs that are recognized by many distinguished schools in the nation. They provide plenty of service projects around Tennessee as well and give back to the community. Lee is truly an excellent choice!
The best thing about Lee University is the community that it has. Lee has an atmosphere where you can walk up to any professor on campus and ask them a question and they will do their best to help you out. It is the same way with the students here as well, each person is striving to not only do their best, but also to help each other to succeed in our college experiences together.
they care about their students.
The best thing about Lee is how Christ-centered it is. Nearly everything done on campus is for God's glory, so in turn, everything on campus ends up being the best thing about Lee University. Students are taught how to show Christ's love here and how to do everything for the glory of the Kingdom. Even students who are not Christians feel loved and accepted because the professors and administration know how to show the love of Christ. The actual daily demonstration of Christ is the best thing about Lee.
Once again, I love the atmosphere and how outgoing and loving people are to one another. This campus is big, yet it's not too big. I feel as if there is the perfect amount of students here. It's like a perfect middle between a large state school and a small private school. There are things going on all the time and so many opportunities to get involved with clubs, organizations, and fellowshipping with your hallmates in a small group time.