If I could go back and give myself advice about the transition into college there would be a lot I would say. Most importantly I would tell myself to be as outgoing as possible. Don't be afraid to walk up to someone you don't know and introduce yourself. Meeting new people has become my favorite thing to do but at first I was afraid and missed some opportunities to do so in the beginning. Second, a good roommate is not necessarily someone who will be your best friend but rather someone that respects your space. Third, enjoy your nights out but don't get carried away. All the new found freedom can really get to your head and I have seen some people throw it all away for a couple nights out, it isn?t worth it. Last keep an open mind and take classes you wouldn?t ordinarily take. It is totally okay to not know what you want to do with your life and this is the time to experiment with different interests. This is a big process of getting to know yourself so enjoy finding out who you really are, it's awesome.
Finding the right college can be tough, but the best way I found was going and visiting the school. Getting the feel of the campus is important, and talking to students who go to the school is really insightful. College is what you make of it. Getting the most out of your experience is as easy as getting invovled in something. For me it was cross country. It was great because I basically started out my freshman year with 20 friends who I had something in common with! You form really special bonds with your team or club, and friends are always important in having the best experience possible. It doesn't have to be a sport either, it could be a club or volunteer work or a study abroad program. I would also recommend getting to know your professors because it makes class more enjoyable, and they can help guide you in the direction you want to go. College is so much more than academics; It's what you do outside of class that defines who you are. My best advice is to be optimistic, have an open mind, and don't be afraid to try new things!
You should always visit a prospective college, especially while classes are in session. See what the campus is like, see what the students are like. If possible, go to classes and see if they're set up in a way that will help you learn. Once you decide on a college and start your first year, make some good friends, in both similar majors and different ones. Friends will help you get through anything you might face during the school year, and will make any school more enjoyable.
visit as many schools as possible and visit more than once. also check out the area surrounding the school because that is just important as the school itself.
I would tell the children to really think about if they would do better in a small or big campus. I would actually recomend a bigger campus then Lasell looking back. These are the friends you will keep for life and this is where you will be living for the first 4 years of your new life. Think about the distance from your house, so you can still be able to go back and visit whenever you want, but do not go home too often. Stay open minded when you first start and try to make as many friends as possible. The nicer you are the more friends you will make. Its all about keeping your social and acadamic life balanced, but make sure you make and keep a few close friends. Dont just let loose and go crazy your first semester, it will give you a bad reputation and it will drag down your GPA. Parents have to just let their children go, the more they hold on the harder it is for their kids. You cant keep calling them and babying thm, you must give them their space when they first go to college.
Make sure you allow your kid(s) to go somewhere where they will have access to things that are off campus, not a campus thats in the middle of nowhere. Don't allow them to go somewhere just where they want to play sports because they could end up not liking other things about it. Make sure the school is not to big or too small for them. Also make sure its within a decent distance to your home in case your kids want to come home and it wouldnt be too much of a hassle for them to get home or the parents to get to them.
Finding the right college is important and sometimes you may not find it until your almost done with school. I realized that while I didnt have the best experiences at this school, I made the best of it and I will never forget or take back my experiences that I had because it got me to where I am today and I made some great friends and had some great networking opportunities.
Talk to a lot of the students and not just the tour guides to see what they like and dont like about the college.
Finding the right college is very, very important. Before anyone can pick a college they have to have an idea of who they are, who they want to become and what they want to be a part of. Larger Universities might be intimidating for many people. If someone doesn't want to constantly be around people drunk and drugged thursday, friday and saturday nights, they might not want to be in a sorority or fraternity, because that stuff does go on. At larger universities, there are so many sororities and frats, that some people find it an obligation that once they are a freshman there, they have to rush. This becomes an intimidation and distraction for what the real reason that person is at school for, an education. On the other hand, smaller colleges might have a tendency to get old. Education is everyones first priority when they choose a school, but if a college is so small that everyone knows everyone, and there is never anything new to do, a student can become really bored and loose enthusiasm even for classes and school work. Think about every aspect of what you want and need for your life before choosing.