Lander University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lander University know before they start?


As now a mom of three children, I am now experinced to say an education is one of the most important things to providing for yourself and your family. Study hard in school, and it will pay off.


If I were a high school senior, I would tell myself to work hard and always give my best. I would tell myself about the different distractions that I would come across in college, and how I shoulld always stay focused and never let anything cloud my better judgement. I would tell myself, the key to being succesful in college is to study and to spend your free time wisely (mostly on your school work). Many people can get side-tracked their first semester with all the fun, and non-school related activities, so you have to stay focused. You will meet many new people and will be introduced to many new things, but always make sure you are around the right peoplpe and things. For fun, it is great to get involved in different school organizations instead of participating in off-campus activities that can get you in to trouble. Do well in high school, so that you can baecome part of a great university, and once you get there, continue to do well so you can becoome part of a great company, industry, organization, or etc. when you graduate form college. Just study hard and do your best.


Work hard! The harder you study now the more scholarships you will receive in college and every little bit helps! Also don't be afraid to join new groups freshman year in college, it's a great way to meet people!


Make sure you weight out all of your options before choosing where you would like to go. Also it's good to do your research to find out what kind of learing enviroment would best fit you.


Before making any decisions about where to attend, always visit the school and find as much information about that school as possible.


Don't slack off and save your money!


The advice I would give to anyone trying to find the right college and making the most out of the experiment would be simple. I would advise them to research their college and make sure it s the school they want to attend. I would then tell them to stay focused, no matter what the situation is because once grades drop, its hard to pull them up. I would also tell them to join some clubs, volunteer, make the best they can out of know study hard, do something to relieve stress such as hang out with friends, and study some more. I would tell them that education is one of the top important things in life and without it you've accomplished basically nothing. The reason my advise would be so short and simple is because that's the kind of advise that most people remember and its helpful. An advise thats 15 minutes will be used wisely rather than one thats an hour long because of its length. An hour long advise will not stick to a person as well as a 15 minute one, hense the reason for my short advise.


Visit on campus, talk to current students, sit in on classes.


When you first get to college be as social as you can. You don't have to join alot of clubs or fraternites or what have you. Just be open to the people around you and you'll make tons of firends. Go to class! Even though you partied until 3 that morning you need to roll your hung over butt out of bed and go to class. Parents: make your child stay in a dorm their first semester because it is part of the college expierence.


I would tell them to go around and visit a few schools first before deciding. Look at the overall acedemics as well as the social settings. Then, look at financial aid and ways to pay for the school so they burden doesn't have to fall on them. I would also tell them to look at the area that the school is located in. Visit the local shops and see what activities there is outsie of school may somewhere the students can work. Also would also tell them to have a friend go to the school so that it won't be too hard or stressing trying to find someone to hang out with.