That the truth behind how different it was going to be from high school to college in regard to studying was completely true. In high school studying wasn't that hard or sometimes not necessary but in college it's completely necessary and at times overwhelming.
That the school was so conservative. It's not as bad as it could be, but I wish it was more progressive in its ways. There aren't any plans in place for recycling or activism, which was surprising for a university campus.
Before enrolling at Lamar, I wish I had known how much applying for Financial Aid would be a slow and sometimes frustrating process. I also wish I had been more financially prepared. I did not work the summer before I came to campus so I hadn't saved up any money. Now have learned my lesson. Always have a little bit of money before school starts and complete the Financial Aid paperwork early, and always stay updated.
One thing I wish I knew before I went to that school is how small the town.
I wish i had known about how many scholarships out there because school expences were higher than i thought. And also its a lot of work but if you manage your time wisely it's not a big deal.
I wish I had known when I first started school that it was less expensive to buy my books online or that you could just rent the books that you know you were not going to use again!!!! Would have save lots of money!!!!
Lamar Univeristy has a very wonderful nursing program.
I wish I had know how great I would actually enjoy this college, regardless of being raised in the same city. I let the fact that I was raised here interfere with my judgement , and I "learned the lesson" the hard way by choosing a different college at first.
Wish I would have known about the mutant bugs that inhabit this part of Texas. About two days ago, a huge mutant cockroach crawling up the door of my bathroom. i couldn't scream because my roommate is terrfiied of bugs but it was blocking the door. Suddenly the roach turns and looks back at me and growls or emmitted a masculine chirp and tried to attack me. It doggie jumped onto the toilet paper instead. After I finally killed the little mutant I was forced to throw the whole roll of toilet paper in the trash. What a waste.
If I were back in high school and someone asked about my plans, I'd say that my first priority was to learn what the options were. You don't need to be in a rush to choose your life's work. What you need to do is discover what you like. You have to work on stuff you like if you want to be good at what you do.