Considering that college is ultimately to fulfill your own education needs and desires, helping to advance you socially, emotionally and mentally towards your dream job and then lifestyle, finding the right college is a very important step in your life. It is not however a step that you can go about taking without first considering who you are as a person, what you find important, and where you see yourself in ten, twenty, or more years. Only through knowing yourself can you truly find a college that fits your needs. Yet futures are fluid, they change along with habits and interests, and so are often difficult to pinpoint at an early age. Ignoring smaller details, it seems that there are two large categories of desireable schools: Name Brand and Individual Attention. They each have their own benefits and who you are as a person should be reflected in the emphasis you place on this distinction. All else aside however, college is what you make of it. Figure out what you enjoy, visit widely, talk to students and teachers, and find a place that's comfortable for you. Once there, enjoy your time. Work hard, play hard. Pursue YOUR happiness.
I would advise you to go visit and choose the place where you feel most comfortable. As far as makibng the most of your expirence remember "wallowing in muck is for pigs, not people" meaning that you should get out of your room and have fun because part of college is learning to know yourself in addition to learning information. Always participate in class that will help you learn
You need to prioritize to find the right college. My family didn't have a lot of money to spend, so I now attend a GREAT college that offers an excellent eduaction as well as fair financial aid and scholarships.
Finding the right college is a big decision. Before beginning your search, it is important for you to examine yourself and the reasons why you want to go to college. Why are you really going? What do you want out of life? Do you need to be close to your family? Next, you have to decide what size school you want to attend. Do you want a smaller school that provides more internal exploration? Do you need or want individualized attention? Or are you okay going into a class with 300 other students? Remember that a name-brand college will not guarantee you future success. Whether you graduate from Harvard or a small liberal arts school all that matters is the skills and experience you receive. It is also not vital to pick a college based on a major. Coming out of high school, you do not have enough information or life experience to choose a major. In order to determine your interest and aptitude you need to take a broad range of courses. Lastly, you can afford to go to any college. Ask for help and advice colleges have amazing financial aid packages. Good luck.
Go to the school and walk around. Get a feel for the campus, talk to freshman and Seniors.
The advice I would give when choosing the right college and making the most of the college experinece is to choose a college that the student can see him/herself fitting in. They should like the campus, the dorms, if they are living on campus, and all the different classes and activities the college offers. If the student feels that a college might be the right one for them, then it most likely will be.
Visit the campus and talk with students and teachers, before you deceide to go there. Every campus has a different feel to it and once you walk onto a campus that feels right for you, then you know where you should apply. This also helps, when you move to the campus, it will feel friendlier and make you feel at home quicker. Also you should go and try their food. Find out if it taste good and then find out how often they change the menu. Some schools have a set weekly menu that last all year. Talk about Boring! And finally, Talk with freshmen and Seniors to get a broad picture of the school.
I would advise students who are choosing which institution to attend to focus on three categories. Firstly they should consider what size school would suit them best, be it small or large and how they want to fit into the student body. Just like real estate they should also consider location. Is being in the city important, or do they prefer a quieter environment? Lastly, they need to consider the programs the school offers, not just for their educational time there but also how well the school allows them to find employment after graduation.
Visited the college and talk to student about the social life.