Knox College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Knox College?


Anyone who is intelligent, curious, open-minded, and looking to make lifelong friends would certainly fit the criteria that school. Some certain aspects of the school are more dominant that others that should be taken into account. It's important to consider the political spectrum of the school is dominantly liberal and also that a major incentive of the students and the faculty is to become more environmentally sustainable and promote solutions to preserving our planet.


Some one who's open minded, hard-working, very socially and academically active as well as an all around friendly person who thinks outside of the box.


One who is interested in learning much more than just the working knowledge they will need for their future occupation. Someone who prefers smaller classes, and familiarity with a large portion of the people you see everyday. Being liberal also doesn't hurt.


Quirky people fit in really well here. Also creative and academically orriented. You have to be prepared to work hard.


Some one who is shy and doesn't have the easiest time making friends.


Anyone really, but liberally minded people are most suited.


Someone with a strong sense of self. Weak or unsure people quickly get swept up and taken places they don't want to go, but someone who can make their own decisions can use the amazing classes and professors to their advantage and not be manipulated.