Kishwaukee College Top Questions

Describe how Kishwaukee College looks to someone who's never seen it.


Kishwaukee college is a great stepping stone towards attending a four year university; for those who either cant afford to go to a four year institution, or those who did not get into one.


Kishwaukee College is a small school in a small town but offers many opportunities to it's students. The location is very convinient as it is centrally located between several cities and towns. The atmosphere of the school is a friendly one with many areas for students to gather and interact as well as a staff willing to help. The numerous facilities are fairly modern as the school is just over 40 years old. A variety of classes are offered for students along more traditional collegiate paths or students working towards entering a trade. Overall, Kishwaukke College is very functional.


It's a great learning enviroment and I like the one on one that teachers have with students.


great and firendly teachers and students.