Kent State University at Tuscarawas Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Kent State University at Tuscarawas!


What is so unique about my school is that we are a small college. We have juniors in high school to just about any age that falls after that. I love going into my classroom and seeing older follks having the courage and determination to come back to school to earn their degree or finish because you can tell how important it is to them. They teach me while I teach them. It's great. Plus I am 5 minutes away from home which makes going to Kent so much more enjoyable.


The thing that is most unique about kent state tuscarawas is probably our math classes. We have transitioned from all of our algebra classes being in a class room to being online in a math system called ALEKS. And it is so much easier. You can work at your own pace and finish early if you can.


The exact program I wished to study is located at Kent State University at Tuscarawas. Veterinary Technology is not a program that is offered at just any college or campus. The qualifications to be accepted into the program are demanding to ensure that only serious minded students are admitted to the program.


It's the only college I considered because it was very conveniently located!