I would advise myself to go to school earlier in life. I didn't start college until after I was out of the military and had two children. It is much more difficult completing school when there is already so much responsibility to bear. I also would let myself know that it is important to track how much is borrowed through student loans to pay for college. I am now in a situation where I have overborrowed and will be struggling to pay these loans back.
I would have told myself that I wasn't as alone as I felt, and that it was okay to ask for help. I was so adamant that I could do everything on my own that I didn't ask for any help and I ended up graduating with no scholarships and very little money for school and I ended up having to take time off from school. I would also tell myself that it is more discouraging to have to take time off school while everyone else is going to finish on time instead of asking for a little bit of help.
The advice that I would give myself about the college life is that don’t for get to get involved into the organizations that the school offers. These organizations will help you get to know students and faculty before the school year starts and help you meet new people before school starts. When making the transition from high school to college you have to think about how you want to make good impressions on your professor to show that you care about your education. You should want to keep up with your teachers when the work is getting to a point where it is becoming complicated. Students shouldn’t be afraid to email their professors to get help because they are here to help when you are having trouble with your work. Students shouldn’t wait to the last moment when they are doing their work because the work could take more time than expected to complete and the homework will be counted as late. Students should have their work done early so that they can get help from the teacher or they can get a tutor for the course so that they won’t fall behind in class.
Do not be nervous about starting a new life with brand new people because most people are the same way coming into college. Just always stay true to yourself, your beliefs and your views and the right people will come along. Also don't worry about the meal plan because there is always enough money. Get out there and meet new people and just enjoy your time while you still can.
Be yourself. The most important thing I learned being in college was to always be myself and to not let other's decisions influence my own. I love learning, and I love school. Not all college students share the same love that I have, and my freshman year I was encouraged to care less about school. College is the beginning of the rest of your life, and education can only improve someone. College is important, and so is self-identity. Love who you are, be confident in what you love, and take your schooling seriously. Education is one thing you are able to carry with you for the rest of your days, and you will be proud to say that you did it. Kent State will always have a place in my heart for helping me to grow as a student and a person, and I can honestly say there is no better path than going to college after high school. If you expand your mind, anything is attainable.
There are so many things I would say to myself about the importance of college life because I made so many mistakes. The first thing that I would tell myself is to take your education serious. This is a very important time in your life and the mistakes you make today will affect your tomorrow. I would also tell myself to do the work and go to class. What the book don't give you your teacher will and what happens in class is what will make you successful on exams. College life is about finding yourself and not losing yourself in others. These four years are the most important year of your life because it defines the latter part of your life. If you fail now it will be hard to fix later. College can be the best years of your life but you must have priorities. You have to put your education first, find a balance, and give it your all. Take adavantage of the help that is offered to you and the rest will be history when walking across the stage. You have what it takes to be successful the questions is do you really want it?
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to work harder in high school and make the best of it because once its gone it is gone. I would tell myself that studying hard for test/exams are well worth it in the end. I would give anything to go back to high school and do it all over again. I would make sure to make more of an effort to work as hard as i do in college because in the end getting good grades really feels great. I would tell myself that being a kid is the best feeling in the world and to never take it for granted because once its gone its gone forever. I would have told myself that i should have made more of an effort to convience my parents to let me do cosmotogy because it would have been a great job during college. I would have told myself to not fight with my parents as much because they are only looking out for what is best for me. Last, I would have told myself to have fun and live life to the fullest!
I would have told myself to do post-secondary so that I could have got a headstart on college and meeting people and so it would have been paid for by the government. College is great and I love everything about it accept the money aspect. Find a good job to get through and apply for many scholorships because money gets seriously tight.
Stay goal oriented. Participate more in college life. Make friends. Remember that it's temporary. Get great grades and apply for more scholarships. Keep your head up and stay strong. Perserverence is key.
Hi Meaghan! It is yourself, from the future and I have some advice for you. My advice for you is: I need you to stop worrying about how you look, stop caring about what other people think about you. I have a question, do you think in two years, it is going to matter what sweater you wore today, or how your hair looks? It may matter to you now, but I promise it will not matter to you in the future. You need to worry about doing your presentations and studying for your ACT. The better grades you get in highschool, the less debt you will be in after college. Study, study, study! Well, Meaghan, that is all I have to say to you! However, remember, stop caring what other people think about you, worry about your presentation, and STUDY.