When trying to find the right college for you, be sure that you understand what type of campus you are interested in. Keep in mind the cost of the education you want to recieve and weather or not it is affordable for you. If you already know what your main area of focus is, then maybe look into schools that are strong in that particular area. In order to make the most of your college experience, keep an academic goal in mind and really work towards it. Getting good grades can really make it more exciting to learn and look what the future holds. Also, don't be afraid to meet new people and learn how other people live. Having a good social life will also help make your experience worth while.
i would say visit every college you think you may want to go to. you never know if it is the right fit til you try it on for a day. Look for a school that best fits you and what you are looking for in a college. As for making the most of the college experience no matter if you live on campus or off its what you put into college is what you will get back. So go to the football games, go to a play, join a few clubs, and take advantage of all the campus has to offer.
Definitely go visit the college. I was told that I'd know when I got to the right one. I didn't necessarily believe that, until I went on the college visits. I knew as soon as I set foot on campus that I could spend the next 5 years here; that this was the right school and program for me. Do your homework on the different types of programs and degrees available too. Meet with the director of the program that you're interested in. Talk to current students.
first look for the school with the best program for your major or area of interest. then picka campus you like with good teachers and programming..
Choose a college that you feel comfortable at. Don't let anyone else make your choice for you. If you aren't comfortable there, chances are you aren't going to get the best experience. The class of the college doesn't mean much. Just because it may not have the best acedemics doesn't mean you can't still get a great job and live a great life.
Take your time and be open minded when making your choice.
Finding the right college is one of the hardest things to accomplish. As a campus tour guide I suggest that students and parents visit their college choices more than once. The first time a student is exposed to a univeristy the visit is a blur. Your tour guide will take you around, show you all the major buildigs and sometimes explain activites and general detail about the major of intrest. What most students do not do is return for a second visit. That second visit will allow you to jog your memory about what your tour guide told you and help make you more comfortable with your surroundings. No one universisty is made for everybody. As cliche as it sounds, you will know just by the feeling in your stomach if the university you are at is right. The one and only way to make the most of any univeristy is to get involved! Whether your univeristy has 1000 students or 50,000, getting involved in a student organiztion will help make your univertisty feel small, personal, and like your new home. Take your time with your decison, start early, and don't rush yourself. Good Luck!
Parents are usually more excited to shop for colleges than their kids. My advice to parents: give your kid the best within your budget! A four-year university doesn't have to cost $100,000+ to be great, but it has to fit your kid well enough that they'll want to stay. I believe that it is more important for a kid to be comfortable at their university, than it is to be linked with what I would call a "name-brand" college. Make sure your child is happy, and I believe that they will be more likely to finish college and move on to bigger and better things.
I would tell parents and students to look around. Make sure to use all college visits allowed in high school, to figure out if they want a private school or a public school, a large campus or small, and anything else they are looking for. Also, do a lot of research. Choose a school that is known for their major, so they get the education being paid for.
To make the most of the experience one there, be social. Introduce yourself to other students in class, or just be open to meeting new people. Keep an open mind, and don't get behind in school work.
To the students: Finding the right college can be a hard task. The best thing to do is to go on campus tours while you are in your Junior or Senior years in high school. When you find the college that you like, you will be on the tour and fall in love with it. Everyother tour will just be routine as you think back to that perfect college tour. Another way is to look into the filed that you want to study. If you are interested in Business, look into schools that have acreditd programs and great courses to offer. Or if you are looking for something like the Hospitality field, look into the big cities. Vegas, Chicago, or any tourist destination would have great schools to research.
Parents: Don't push your children to go to your almater. It may have been great for you, but let them go and see it and find out for themselves. Be there during the process, but only for advice or hard decisions. You don't want you student home every weekend hating college because they don't like their choice.