Going on to college is important. Don't be afraid go for your goals. College isn't that bad. Be determined deal with a few more years of school because having a college degree is rewarding. College is so much more funner than high school. You are responsible for your actions. What you put into something is what you are going to get out of it. Dont procrastinate when it comes to making the world a better place and don't let a lack of education hinder you. College is cool.
If I had a chance to go back and give myself a heads up I would first tell myself to find the right study habits and take a tape recorder to catch things that you may not have caught during class. Also dont allow yourself to hang with the wrong crowed bad influences are always something you should avoid. Spend as much time in the library studying and give yourself a break to give your brain 30 minutes to allow the information to process. The most important thing is to ask your professor as many questioins as possible. Do not study in your room where you are comfortable you have to get away from your comfort zone because a lot of times you begin to study and the next thing you know your sleep.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to do dual enrollment!! I was not aware that it existed at my school until it was too late for me to do it, and it would have been so beneficial to me now. I would have finished college sooner, and my mother would have been alive to see it. I would also tell myself that who you are and who you know in high school doesn't matter once you get out into the real world. Everyone and everything changes. What does matter is what you accomplished while in school. Your 20s are the most important years for you to create who you want to be in life. All the fun that you want to have right now, will be there when you graduate.
Considering I left high school and obtained my GED I would completely smack myself in the back of the head and say, "What are you thinking? Finish school man!" One of my biggest blunders was dropping out and not sticking to my guns and getting my diploma with the rest of my friends.
I would tell myself how great its going to be when I enter college and what it is going to do for myself and my career. How just achieving my goals of earning a college education whould make me a better, more well-rounded person. That I would obtain the tools to give, not only myself, but my wife and children, a better life.
We all wish we could go back and talk to ourselves and change some things we don't like. The things I have done in my past make me who I am. There is really nothing I could say or do that would make me any happier than I am with my life, my wife and my beautiful children, who I love and cherrish with all my heart. I am just thankful I have this oppurtunity to give them more.
In my senior year of high school, I wasn't looking forward to dealing with all the drama that the high school students bring to each others lifes. I tried to tell myself to focus on school and not the drama but the high school I went too seemed to have drama in its name. I desided after talking to my parents that it would be best if I finished my high school degree online. I actually got my high school diploma only and three months before the students I would have graduated at the drama filled high school. I was so excited that I succeed in getting my diploma. Next, I talked to my parents about attending Keiser University-Daytona Beach. I completed my AS Degree in Medical Assisting and I am working on my BS Degree in Health Sciences. I am so excited to see what life has planned for me next after I get my Bachelors Degree, maybe ill get my masters.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to make sure to research the university that I have interest in. Google is an excellant tool when used properly. The reviews you get from Google are from actual students with real experience. Also, I would advice myself to look for scholarships because what most people do not know is that there is a lot of help out there.
Looking back I would tell myself that once school was finished to go straight to college. I procrastinated a great deal and after nine years from when I graduated high school I could have been finished with college by now. I have no regrets but I would tell myself how much easier it would have been by going to college right away. Another bit of advice I would give myself would be to lose weight while I was younger. I am overweight and lost almost 100 pounds on my own, without diet pills or surgery. It was extremely difficult because it is much harder to lose weight as you get older. I would tell myself to never lose hope, never give up, and focus on school not worring about falling in love. That would also have saved me a heartbreak or too. I would tell myself to stay focused and follow my gut feeling because I feel I have made good decisions on my career and life now.
If I could go back to my high school self, I would tell myself to stay true and steadfast, and immoveable. I would tell myself that taking all basics as your electives was the smarter thing to do. Keep the gospel close to your heart and remember who you are. A child of god. I would congradulate myself on the hard work I acheived through out high school making it through my toughest times; however I would also tell myself that things get easier to endure when you embrace the fact that they are happening. I would tell myself to remember my individual worth, and not let boys harm or dismay my self image. To focus on my schooling, friends and family beause that is what is going to get me through trails. boys come and go. I would tell myself to self analyze my interests and talents and decide what I really enjoy and what I would enjoy as a career path. Rather then "figuring it out on the way". Last, I would say to set goals and achieve them.
Stay in school and get a high school diploma. It is so much better than a GED