My only thing for new comers is stay on track and know what you want to get into! Also self discipline is a great tool with an online school!!
Every freshman should know that the school work is not easy, lazy people will not do well at Kaplan. You should also be aware of how much you are paying in total and when you have to start paying it, Some good advice to freshmen is to take the compus tour before you start that way you know where everything is and how to access.Oh and keep talking to your academic advicers and your professors. They are there to help you through college so don't be afraid to contact them. One last thing find out about the tutoring services for your classes. They will help trust me.
I think every freshman should know about time management. In the online community, it can be very easy to put school off. You have a week to get all your assignments completed. Do not wait until the last minute. Kaplan offers a class in your first term that you can take. Academic Strategies for the Business Professional, is a great class that helps teach you about time management and making sure you make time for school so you will always be able to succeed to your fullest potential.
Every freshman should understand that attending any online University takes discipline. It takes discipline to put down the remote, blow off your friends, and say "no, I'm going to go home and do homework". You don't necessarily have to go home, you could go to Starbucks if you wish; wherever. You do, however, have to know when it is time to sit down and put fingers to keys and start working.
You should also know that just because it takes more discipline, doesn't mean that it has to be a monster. With discipline come rewards. When you went home and studied and your friends went out clubbing, you were able to get a full 2 or 3 days worth of homework done. You now have your whole weekend to do whatever you wish. They, on the other hand, are stuck at home on Sunday night cramming for their exam at 8:00 am the next morning.
Discipline is the best skill to have at KU. The hardest part about doing the school work is disciplining yourself to get it done and turned in.
Every freshman should know that the school work is not easy, Slackers will not do well at Kaplan. You should also be aware of how much you are paying in all and when start are paying it, A good peice of advice to freshmen is to take the compus tour before you start that way you know where everything is and how to access everything.Oh and keep talking to your academic advicers and your professors. They are there to help you through college so don't be afraid to contact them. One last thing find out about the tutoring services for your classes. They will help trust me.
The best thing you can do is manage your time and also do not be afraid to ask any questions. Make sure you have figured out when you will have time to do your work. Attending an online university makes this a little simpler. You can do your classwork around your busy day or work schedule. Kaplan University Online does not overwhelm you with class work and seminars are only held once a week.
Before starting at KU, make sure you really want this type of atmosphere...in other words do you like being the solitary student over making friends or interacting with others. Also make sure you have your FAFSA done about 2 weeks before starting classes (if you're getting student loans). Expect some of your professors to be daft. Expect to be doing 2 classes per term (10 credits per 10 weeks) and expect to get one week off between terms (two if you count the 10th week of each term which is ungraded), except for Christmas where you get a full two weeks of interrupted classes (which sucks if you're in the middle of a term). Expect holiday's to mess up your student loans and if you apply for the Expense Aid part of Financial Aid; this is the remainder of your student loans given to you for living expenses or other necessary expenses; to be royally messed up by holiday's and the start of new academic years (July of each year). Expect the Financial Aid department to be your worst nightmare (because they often are).